laumaya / GLC_lib

GLC_lib is a C++ library for high performance 3D application based on OpenGL and Qt4 GUI
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triangulatePolygon is very slow #23

Open jozefdobos opened 8 years ago

jozefdobos commented 8 years ago

Hi Laurent,

Function within glc_geomtools

//! Triangulate a polygon
/*! If the polygon is convex the returned index is a fan*/
GLC_LIB_EXPORT void triangulatePolygon(QList<GLuint>*, const QList<float>&);

is very slow. On dual core i7 it takes roughly 2 minutes to go through 5000 faces which works out to be over an hour for 160k poly model. Any suggestion how to speed this up?

Many thanks! Jozef

laumaya commented 8 years ago

Hi Jozef, I know that the triangulatePolygon method of GLC_lib is very slow. I don't know how to speed it up. I plan to integrate Assimp. perhaps it will be faster.


jozefdobos commented 8 years ago

Assimp is indeed much faster. If I have a bit of time left I'll have a look. J