launchboxio / cluster-api-provider-proxmox

CAPI Provider for Proxmox
MIT License
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Error when unlinking drive #34

Closed robwittman closed 9 months ago

robwittman commented 9 months ago

The following error occurs whenever a VM is deleted. The full deletion is able to reconcile without an issue, but this error shows up once in the logs. We should identify the cause, and resolve

"bad request: 400 Parameter verification failed. - {\"ide2\":\"unable to apply pending change ide2 : command '/usr/bin/ssh -o 'BatchMode=yes' -i /etc/pve/priv/zfs/<redacted>_id_rsa root@<redacted> zfs destroy -r default/vm-102-cloudinit' failed: exit code 1\\n\"}"}
robwittman commented 9 months ago looks to have gotten rid of the disk removal errors. If we see them reoccur, or similar errors start, we can reopen