launchrctl / launchr

Launchr is a CLI action runner that executes actions inside short-lived local containers.
Apache License 2.0
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Support for actions and plugin commands aliases #41

Closed davidferlay closed 6 days ago

davidferlay commented 2 months ago



davidferlay commented 2 months ago

Working fine :ok_hand:

➜ ./plasmactl platform:nodes --help   
Nodes: Get nodes from and generate cache file

  plasmactl platform:nodes [flags]

  platform:nodes, deployalias

      --clusters string   clusters: The server hostname filter
  -h, --help              help for platform:nodes
      --no-cache          No cache: Send command to build container without cache
      --remove-image      Remove Image: Remove an image after execution of action
      --servers string    servers: The servers list to get info for (overrides servers from configs)
      --use-volume-wd     Use volume as a WD: Copy the working directory to a container volume and not bind local paths. Usually used with remote environments.

Global Flags:
      --keyring-passphrase string   Passphrase for keyring encryption/decryption
  -q, --quiet                       disable stdOut
  -v, --verbose count               log verbosity level, use -vvv DEBUG, -vv WARN, -v INFO

➜ ./plasmactl platform:nodes       
Image "platform-actions-nodes:latest" exists locally
Proceeding with execution, please wait...
Successfully created cache in library/inventories/platform_nodes
➜ ./plasmactl deployalias          
Image "platform-actions-nodes:latest" exists locally
Proceeding with execution, please wait...
Successfully created cache in library/inventories/platform_nodes