launchrctl / launchr

Launchr is a CLI action runner that executes actions inside short-lived local containers.
Apache License 2.0
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#46: Action helper mixing flags to all actions with action specific f… #49

Closed iignatevich closed 4 months ago

iignatevich commented 4 months ago


davidferlay commented 4 months ago
➜ pl platform:deploy --help 
Deploy: Deploy Ansible resources to target cluster                                        

  plasmactl platform:deploy environment tags [flags]

      --check               Check: Run the command in check mode
      --debug               Debug: Run the command in debug mode
      --entrypoint string   Image Entrypoint: Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image
      --exec                Exec command: Overwrite CMD definition of the container
  -h, --help                help for platform:deploy
      --logs                Logs: Store deploy.logs in file
      --no-cache            No cache: Send command to build container without cache
      --password string     SSH Key passphrase: The passphrase to use
      --remove-image        Remove Image: Remove an image after execution of action
      --use-volume-wd       Use volume as a WD: Copy the working directory to a container volume and not bind local paths. Usually used with remote environments.

Global Flags:
      --keyring-passphrase string   Passphrase for keyring encryption/decryption
  -q, --quiet                       disable stdOut
  -v, --verbose count               log verbosity level, use -vvv DEBUG, -vv WARN, -v INFO
➜ ./plasmactl platform:deploy --help 
Deploy: Deploy Ansible resources to target cluster

  plasmactl platform:deploy environment tags [flags]

      --check             Check: Run the command in check mode
      --debug             Debug: Run the command in debug mode
  -h, --help              help for platform:deploy
      --logs              Logs: Store deploy.logs in file
      --password string   SSH Key passphrase: The passphrase to use

Global Action Flags:
      --entrypoint string   Image Entrypoint: Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image
      --exec                Exec command: Overwrite CMD definition of the container
      --no-cache            No cache: Send command to build container without cache
      --remove-image        Remove Image: Remove an image after execution of action
      --use-volume-wd       Use volume as a WD: Copy the working directory to a container volume and not bind local paths. Usually used with remote environments.

Global Flags:
      --keyring-passphrase string   Passphrase for keyring encryption/decryption
  -q, --quiet                       disable stdOut
  -v, --verbose count               log verbosity level, use -vvv DEBUG, -vv WARN, -v INFO

That's definitely a nice improvement!

However, should'nt --help be part of Global Action Flags ?