When user executes command to launch web ui, it starts web server and prints link to access it, that user needs to click to open ui in browser
➜ plasmactl web
Starting server on http://localhost:8080
Command remains attached
User needs to execute ctrl+c on keyboard to stop web ui server
[x] When user executes command to launch web ui, web ui should open in browser tab directly
[ ] Link should be printed in terminal as well, for user to be able to open it again if browser tab is closed
[x] Header contains link to /shutdown api endpoint.
[x] Command needs to be detached
[ ] Server should remain up untill user executes launchrctl web stop
Few more notes
[x] time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) When browser window autoopen Ideally it would react to server state and open it only when ready, but if a pause, then a shorter one )
on keyboard to stop web ui serverExpected
launchrctl web stop
Few more notes