laundrevity / enaction

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Rework philosophical motivation #2

Open laundrevity opened 2 days ago

laundrevity commented 2 days ago

philosophy of mind/logic/math historically: ... Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Kripke, Cohen, Chalmers Riemann -> Einstein, Grothendieck -> ??

seemingly inescape rock and hard place: subjectivism (Tractatus) and nihilism (Philosophical Investigation)

empty self as interpreted as object corresponding to self is initial in category of contexts (like empty set is initial in category of sets) and hence topos theory

law of the instrument => secret to wigner's puzzle: self (0) and world (1) have reciprocal structure due to adjunction

laundrevity commented 1 day ago

Definitely better now but could do better discussing history of philosophy of science (pythagoras, aristotle, galileo, einstein, feyerabend, putnam)

and then tie that into different efforts over the years to incorporate increasingly abstract mathematical formalism for describing reality (newton -> complex numbers and electromagnetism -> general relativity / special relativity -> quantum and who even fucking knows with string theory)

if mathematical structure can be used to explain the world, then why not use mathematical structures OF mathematical structures to explain the world?

noether's theorem, group theory in physics

finally highlight specific efforts in mathematical physics to apply category theory: butterfield, isham, doering

laundrevity commented 1 day ago

church turing dude

laundrevity commented 1 day ago

One recurrent theme in Buddhist philosophy has been the desire to find a Middle Way between philosophical views seen as extreme.[8][9]