laura-wang / video_repres_sts

Pytorch implementation of our T-PAMI 2021 paper: Self-supervised Video Representation Learning by Uncovering Motion and Appearance Statistics
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pretrained model can be provided? #2

Open yudai09 opened 3 years ago

yudai09 commented 3 years ago

I have impressed by the paper. thank you for providing source codes! I'm trying to use your model for my personal project. However, the data is too large to download and difficult (not possible, but very time consuming) to train the model by myself. I would be grateful if you could provide pretrained model. Is it possible?

laura-wang commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your interests. Sure, I will release the pretrain models these days. Please stay tuned. :)

amanikiruga commented 3 years ago

Hi @laura-wang, is there any update on this? I can't seem to find pretrain model... Thanks so much again, Kind regards,

Amani K.