Use a Raspberry Pi and an internet-controlled pannable camera with speaker to make a treat-dispensing dog Skype machine
Make it possible to share camera/treat giving access with select friends
Give treat to dog when she comes to the camera when it's on (special sound?)
Ability to see dog and speak to her with different trick commands and reward her immediately through the raspberry pi-equipped treat dispenser when she responds correctly, to reward paying attention to Skype chat
Ordered a Raspberry pi and camera module, as well as external speaker
Various other parts to play around with- Electric Imp and Servo
Need to work on design of hopper to funnel kibble into servo-controlled dispenser wheel to avoid treats getting stuck. Some kind of dual angled plane funnel feed, perhaps with a grating to encourage discrete pieces to fall?
Need to order dry kibble of specific size to test feeding mechanism with
Idea! A capacitive touch button for dog to press after she has learned how to use DogChat, when she wants to call me!
If dog is bored and looking for treats she can press the capacitive touch button to trigger a message to get me to call the dog chat and activate a dog chat session.
Could we use Twilio to integrate an SMS message that sends when the dog calls me?
Initially, it could auto-dispense a treat (perhaps with a delay) to "charge" the button.
It should make an audible sound that the dog can hear and associate with success at calling me.