lauren / pick-a-color

an easy-to-use jQuery color picker for Twitter Bootstrap
MIT License
269 stars 89 forks source link

with angularjs? #69

Open proidit opened 9 years ago

proidit commented 9 years ago

Hello try to use it on angularjs. How can forse refresh color setted in input field via ng-model? bye

RayBrack commented 8 years ago

Hi Lauren,

I have a similar issue - if I update the model in angular the correct color value is displayed in the text input however the color "swatch" on the right doesn't update.

However, if I place my cursor in the field and then tab away the color "swatch" is updated.

Can you suggest a work around?



ssougnez commented 8 years ago


I would advice using this:

I'm currently using it and it works very well.