laurencee / Livestream.Monitor

A windows GUI for livestreamer/streamlink
GNU General Public License v2.0
59 stars 8 forks source link changed name to #29

Closed jarlave closed 7 years ago

jarlave commented 7 years ago changed the name to Currently the API is still working, but I think this will change soon. Maybe before this happens it should be changed here.

laurencee commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the update, I'll take a look into it this weekend.

Hitbox has also changed names/owners to smashcast, I have a branch waiting for me to do some more testing before pushing out a new build with the changes.

laurencee commented 7 years ago

Well I've done those changes but streamlink/livestreamer doesn't recognise the new names so it can't launch streams for them as of yet.

I'll probably be updating the app anyway since streamlink/livestreamer will have to update to accomodate the name change sooner or later.

laurencee commented 7 years ago