laurencee / Livestream.Monitor

A windows GUI for livestreamer/streamlink
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Error refreshing livestreams #45

Closed Jakeeeeeeee closed 5 years ago

Jakeeeeeeee commented 5 years ago

Constantly getting this randomly at multiple streams at start of the program. final effect

laurencee commented 5 years ago

The errors showing not found in that list are twitchtv saying a channel with that name doesn't exist (either they were banned or they renamed their channel). If they're just temporarily banned then you can leave them but if they renamed their channel or were permanently banned you should remove them from your list so you don't get the error message every time.

Channel renames won't be an issue in future versions of this app when I get around to updating to use the newer twitch api. #34

The other error, A connection attempt failed... is most likely be a connectivity problem between your machine and the twitch servers.

Jakeeeeeeee commented 5 years ago

Nope, all those channels with error from the screenshot except of three are alive and well. As I said it's completely random getting that error of connection, basically every channel was exposed to get it since every start of the program gives bunch of these errors. Was trying to figure what causes it, it may be that program is "confused" with the querying whenever u keep the dead channels but that's just my n00b theory.

laurencee commented 5 years ago

So I visited the first error not found in the list of your screenshot (bearaj) and that page is down like I mentioned it would be:

Second one with not found error message is also not available.

laurencee commented 5 years ago

Please check the names of all of the ones with not found, if they were updated to a new channel name you can remove them from livestream monitor and import from your follows again (or add them using the new channel name).

Jakeeeeeeee commented 5 years ago

How about any of these? Deleted all the dead ones. Dude, I'm not fooling around, this shit is happening at every launch, random channels getting errors for no reason at all.

laurencee commented 5 years ago

I do understand, I was making sure you filtered out the channels that didn't exist at the time you launched the app (which would have always correctly popped up as errors) from the random channel connection query errors.

Would you mind uploading your livestreams.json file here? I would like to be able to test this locally, you might be getting rate limited which I haven't hit myself yet with 200~ twitch channels.

Jakeeeeeeee commented 5 years ago

It's barely above 100 channels livestreams.txt

Also rarely but it happens to start without any error after few relaunches

laurencee commented 5 years ago

Cheers, I gave it a run on a couple of different devices I have here and there weren't any issues. I got a friend to give it a quick load up and no issues there either.

So I don't believe there's an issue with the application itself rather there's some issue with settings related to your device such as a proxy or some connectivity issues to the twitch api server.

When you have the issue with channels failing to connect, after clicking ignore for the channels that popup can you press refresh and see if the channels get properly?

Jakeeeeeeee commented 5 years ago

Which one? I can see only one which says "refresh livestreams" and does nothing in my case.

laurencee commented 5 years ago

Yeah, that's the one.

I don't know if you have another device or another internet connection you can try it on but that'd be ideal so you'd at least know if it's specific to your machine/connection or not which is all I can surmise at this time.

Sorry, there's nothing else I can do at this time.