laurencee / Livestream.Monitor

A windows GUI for livestreamer/streamlink
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add custom names to followed Youtube channels for when offline. #65

Closed crim-sama closed 7 months ago

crim-sama commented 3 years ago

When youtube channels without custom URLs are offline, their names default to the user ID that's just garbled numbers and letters. Would love a way to add custom names to each entry so I know which is which.

laurencee commented 3 years ago

Yea that's def something that needs to be worked on though the whole youtube setup needs a bit of a rework so people can authenticate with their own accounts.

Right now it sort of uses a shared api to access data which results in hitting request limits pretty frequently and would only get worse the more people who use this appliaction.

I'll see if I can take a look this weekend but no promises on that.

laurencee commented 3 years ago

I didn't have enough time to sort this out, next time I get a chance I'll just look at fixing this and leave the youtube overhaul until later.

laurencee commented 7 months ago

Looks like I forgot about this until I reviewed issues today. Better late than never I suppose:

If your old livestreams from youtube don't have displaynames you can look up the channel id from a site like and set the value yourself (which is what I had to do for a few really old followed youtube channels).

laurencee commented 7 months ago

Ideally there should be some right click option on the channels in the GUI to be able to set this value, but at least there's a workaround by directly editing the livestreams.json file.