laurencee / Livestream.Monitor

A windows GUI for livestreamer/streamlink
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Invalid OAuth token messages #70

Closed phrwn closed 2 years ago

phrwn commented 2 years ago

I changed my Twitch password and added 2FA since the leak and now am getting lots of invalid OAuth token messages in Livestream Monitor; on open, on stream refresh, and on trying to add new streams.

Presumably I've broken everything, but if not, is there a way to resolve?

laurencee commented 2 years ago

This isn't handled by the app right now, but there is a workaround.

  1. Stop the app
  2. Open the settings.json in the Livestream Monitor directory
  3. Delete the TwitchAuthToken line
  4. Startup the app again and add any twitch stream and you should be prompted to authenticate again
phrwn commented 2 years ago

That did not work for me. I tried adding individual streams and importing via username and get the same battery of errors as before, including on opening the application.

laurencee commented 2 years ago

I tested it out locally and this workaround does work for me so I'm not sure what's different. If you still have issues after following these other suggestions, please post an image of the error you're getting.

The only things I can think of you can try are:

  1. Make sure you don't have "Bypass OAuth to twitch" checked in the settings.
  2. Try disconnecting the application on this page:

After deleting that TwitchAuthToken line in the settings file, when you next start up the app you will get an error during the initialization as there's no auth token but when you go to add a new stream the app prompts you to authorize.

After following the auth instructions the refresh starts working again.

laurencee commented 2 years ago

If that all fails, you can also try backing up then deleting/renaming the settings.json and livestreams.json files followed by importing your follows again just to see if you can get it back to a working state.

phrwn commented 2 years ago

Ok it's fixed - for some reason, either changing the password or adding the 2FA, it had fallen off the connected applications list completely. All good now. Thanks.

laurencee commented 2 years ago

Ok it's fixed - for some reason, either changing the password or adding the 2FA, it had fallen off the connected applications list completely. All good now. Thanks.

Thanks a lot for looking into that more, this issue might help others in the future who run into the same thing!