laurencmendoza / spotify-metrics

A full-stack, single-page application that uses Spotify's Web API to allow users to see their top tracks and artists, as well as Spotify's audio analysis for their saved playlists
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Reflection #3

Open laurencmendoza opened 1 year ago

laurencmendoza commented 1 year ago

a. It was helpful to read thoroughly through Spotify's web API documentation, and to view a lot of different applications that use Spotify's API, before planning the scope of my project. I was able to find a lot of video resources that helped me understand how to use Spotify's API in a React application too. All of this helped me understand what was possible and come up with ideas for how I'd find Spotify's API useful. I am normally very eager to get started on code, but I want to remember in the future to plan thoroughly and read through documentation and look at examples in the planning process. b. In future projects, I want to make sure to plan just as thoroughly, and use a resource like Trello to keep track of user stories. I used Trello for project 2, which was very important in a group, but it felt just as important for myself as I was working solo, to make sure I didn't get sidetracked by other features, and to focus my efforts on MVP first. I think this really helped me hit MVP faster. c. One thing I wish I did earlier was add Tailwind to my project from the beginning. I knew I was planning on using Tailwind, but I started my project with a lot of (conflicting) custom CSS, and I ended up scrapping most of the custom CSS once I added Tailwind to the project. I think it was a waste of time to start with the custom CSS and then use Tailwind later because I spent a good amount of time refactoring my application to get the same result. I also got blocked for a while after adding Bootstrap as well to my project, just to use their loading animation spinners, but adding it to my project made some minor changes to the styling of a few of my components, and I also wasted a lot of time trying to edit the styling to look the way it did before, and ultimately decided to remove Bootstrap entirely and find the CSS for loading spinners through different sources. It ended up taking me a lot of time to do, and it provided me a few blockers when it came to redeployment later. d. In the future, I plan to add Tailwind to my project from the beginning, or whatever 3rd party component library I want to try for that project. While I still think fine tuning the styling for an application can happen after most of the other coding, I think it can be helpful to make a basic layout at the start, using the styling resources right away. Especially Tailwind, which can often make styling simpler to code.

krabecb commented 1 year ago

Excellent reflection points, especially the first one! Reviewing different applications that have Spotify integrated is a great strategy when researching new tech! I reviewed your project and here are some things I observed:

Overall, excellent work on this project! Excited to see what you'll accomplish for P4! 💯