laurencmendoza / theme-generator

Theme Generator is a full-stack, full CRUD application, that provides a user with AI-generated styles for their desired theme, using only a description.
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Grow Snippet #57

Open laurencmendoza opened 1 year ago

laurencmendoza commented 1 year ago
maker-jws commented 1 year ago

While there were no specific code snippets for review these stretch goals / dev priorities seem to be on track for quick additions after graduations:

  1. Since most of your goals focus on dynamic data injection into your style you might have some success creating dynamic textContent in a style block partial following the strategies employed here - css injection

  2. Client side rendering is what React does - many react libraries exist that allow you to use JS to write css - Styled components is such a library - styled-components docs. We will be learning about React quite a bit during unit 3 - perhaps a refactor of your app to a MERN stack would be a nice ‘stretch’ / portfolio project for your team to work on after graduation.

  3. If you would like to limit the number of OpenAI requests made from a particular site perhaps you can look into creating an API endpoint that throttles the number of requests made to your ‘api query’ endpoint. A simple example walkthrough can be found here -express-limiter library. Perhaps with a bit of careful study of the problem, you could apply your limiter at the route level, preventing certain routes from being accessed without impacting the performance of your whole site (browsing existing themes/categories).