laurenmcguigan / DecameronProject

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Dealing with Merge Conflicts #34

Open laurenmcguigan opened 8 years ago

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

@mjb232 @jlm323 @mmm202

Hey everyone! I will be working on the page with all the members of the project team. Could you please send me, as soon as possible, a picture of yourself, and a little write-up about who you are and what you did for the project.

jlm323 commented 8 years ago

@laurenmcguigan I just sent you an email with my picture and write-up!

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

@mmm202 Megan, would you mind working on the members page? I have a lot to do with outputting the days and creating a write up for the box model. Or maybe we can work together on it?

mmm202 commented 8 years ago

@laurenmcguigan Do you have everything on github?

mmm202 commented 8 years ago

@laurenmcguigan I started it just need everyone's picture and information

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@laurenmcguigan if you have issues pushing to github from your computer you can simply open the folder you want to add files to in your browser and just drag and drop the files you want to add from your computer's file explorer to the browser. It will intiative a screen for you to review the file you are adding and allow a place for a commit message. It's quick and easy and will work until we can figure out any issues you might have with pushing files.

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@laurenmcguigan give me another a little bit to get that line of code for your XSLT we discussed earlier.

jlm323 commented 8 years ago

@mmm202 Here's my write up:

Jessica Milewski is a 22 year old graduating senior at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. She is majoring in Psychology with a clinical/counseling focus and minoring in English Literature. She enjoys reading, drawing, and writing in her free time and plans to earn a master's degree in Social Work. Jessica created the CSS for this website, the network graph of places related to Florence, and marked up the nested narratives found throughout the text as well as the places mentioned in the text.

Also I'm uploading a picture to github now

jlm323 commented 8 years ago

I noticed there's p {float:right} on the css and it is making some of the <p> elements flood over the div boxes. I would suggest creating an attribute for this. Like <p class="right"> and then in the css having p.right {float:right}. Otherwise, all of our <p> elements will look off.

mmm202 commented 8 years ago

@jlm323 sorry I'll fix it

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

laurenmcguigan here is my picture. I'll get you a write up asap!


jlm323 commented 8 years ago

@mmm202 It's okay, I'm changing it right now/uploading to github

jlm323 commented 8 years ago

Also everyone remember to pull any changes before editing!

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

There should be an updated version of the css on here but I can't find it. I don't know if I pushed it or not???

jlm323 commented 8 years ago

I think you're pushing to a different branch. Let me try to merge them

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

@jlm323 Thanks Jess

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

my desktop client says I am up to date though

jlm323 commented 8 years ago

Yeah I checked and it says both are up to date..

jlm323 commented 8 years ago

Are you sure you committed your changes?

mmm202 commented 8 years ago

Just updated member page feel free to change anything. I'll check back later for the rest of Lauren's and Matt's stuff.

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

@jlm323 How do I do that?

jlm323 commented 8 years ago

Type git status and check what it says. If it says you have things you haven't committed yet, type git commit -m "type message here" and where it says "type message here" just put whatever changes you're making. Like "committing changes to css"

ebeshero commented 8 years ago

@laurenmcguigan and @jlm323 Just checking in from afar, I suspect that Lauren has not pulled in changes from Jess's branch, or that Lauren's fork isn't connected to Jess's main branch. Look on the web at each of your repositories:

Lauren, your repository states, "This branch is 2 commits ahead, 17 commits behind jlm323:master." That tells me that you are not pulling in the changes from Jess, and you are not commiting your changes to Jess, either. That's not a good situation.

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@laurenmcguigan I haveby had a chance to get to my comouter but if you checkout this XSLT the first bit of code inside of the body element is how you would make your SSI show up on all your day pages. As for the github issue ... we first need to know the branch you are on ... you can tell this by typing git branch -v and seeing which branch is highlighted?

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

Haven't computer

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

Lauren McGuigan is a 20 year old Communications major with a focus in Media Studies and a minor in Theatre. She is currently pursuing a Digital Media Certificate, and hopes to one day work in Entertainment Marketing. Lauren worked as a web developer for the Decameron project, and used XSLT to transform the XML markup to HTML. She also created the Box Model that interprets the structure of the narrative. @mmm202

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

Last login: Mon Apr 25 17:37:38 on ttys000 Laurens-MacBook-Pro:DecameronProject laurenmcguigan$ git status On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean Laurens-MacBook-Pro:DecameronProject laurenmcguigan$

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

everything should be up to date

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

Now do git remote -v and paste what it says so I can see if you are forked right

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

Last login: Mon Apr 25 17:41:27 on ttys000 Laurens-MacBook-Pro:DecameronProject laurenmcguigan$ git remote -v jlm323 (fetch) jlm323 (push) origin (fetch) origin (push) upstream (fetch) upstream (push) Laurens-MacBook-Pro:DecameronProject laurenmcguigan$ @RJP43

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

Ok so now do git pull upstream master

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

Then git status and let me see what it says

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

Last login: Mon Apr 25 17:41:32 on ttys001 Laurens-MacBook-Pro:DecameronProject laurenmcguigan$ git pull upstream master From


laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

Also, I did a pull request for the rest, so they should show up now

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

I don't think the changes I made to the css are there though

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

There are conflicts though.... so they cant pull that in or take your changes without fixing the conflicts ... you might have to take note of your changes or change the file names for the couple of files that you are uniquely working on and delete the other files from your staged commit area .. it will be a rebase and will take a lot of explaining ... just give me a minute to try and figure out what you should do. This is why it's really important that anytime anyone begins work you first pull from upstream and then commit as soon as you are done working each time.

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

Did someone change the css for the page? Because my changes aren't on it anymore. Not even on my desktop version

ebeshero commented 8 years ago

@RJP43 @laurenmcguigan Lauren: You'll need to learn how to resolve a merge conflict, and update your commit so you can send everything in that you've been working on.

You had another merge conflict a week ago, and I think I resolved it from a distance as a third party, but it's better if Lauren learns how to do it, so she gains knowledge and experience. It's really important always to pull in changes from upstream master when you begin working so you avoid conflicts. It's likely the conflicts aren't a big deal, but you need to review them one by one in the affected files, and determine which changes you want to be current.

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

I don't understand how to fix merge conflicts. I don't even know what is causing them. I don't know which ones have conflicts either. I've tried pushing all my updated files and that is as far as I have gotten. If you go to my fork, everything is updated including the css and I'm not really sure how I did that. My desktop client had me changing the name of my own and making it a master. I don't know why it did that or even how I did it. It might just be making everything more confusing, but I have no clue how to fix it or what I need. I've been trying to understand it for an hour and I don't know why mine doesn't just commit like everyone else's.

ebeshero commented 8 years ago

@laurenmcguigan So, here's what's happening, and why "git status" is not telling you that you are out of sync with Jess's repo:

You are in sync with your origin/master; but that is not the same as Jess's upstream master. Your GitHub is a fork of Jess's repository, and you have local files that you are commiting and pushing to your fork, which is known as your origin/master. You have also been using git pull and that pulls in any changes you have made to your own origin/master. However, that does not pull in changes in Jess's repository.

For that, you need to issue git pull upstream master. And that is the command you need to be issuing every time you start work in your GitHub repo.

For things to work right now, you need to resolve a merge conflict that was created when you finally pulled in changes from Jess's repo. Merge conflicts are created when GitHub doesn't know how to automatically resolve the differences between the files in your repository and Jess's--and it doesn't know because those changes in Jess's repo are from a while back, and you're only syncing right now with lots of new stuff for your project.

Resolving the merge conflict is probably a simple matter of accepting the remote version of the file and overwriting your own for anything you have not worked on. And for things you have worked on, choose your version.

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

Also, I have two pull requests, and last time I was able to push them, but now it won't let me

ebeshero commented 8 years ago

Okay, @laurenmcguigan, let's talk about how to resolve those merge conflicts. GitHub--either at command line OR in your Mac GUI (desktop) client-- will identify the files in conflict, and invite you to open each one. It will add markers inside the file to highlight the spots that GitHub is having trouble resolving. So when you open the file in <oXygen/> you can see the merge conflict something like tire tread marks in your file-- I think it's like four = in a row: ==== Do a search for that. And as you resolve a conflict, remove those "tire tread marks", and that act of removing those tread marks together with your changes inside the file will indicate that you resolved the issue at that point. You must resolve everything marked in those tread marks, though, to fix it. Then:

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

My fetch says I don't have permissions to upload jlm323.css. Can someone change that so I can upload the updated version to our server?

jlm323 commented 8 years ago

Try it now, I changed the permissions

laurenmcguigan commented 8 years ago

Hi everyone! Thank you all again for all your help! Especially @ebeshero @nlottig94 @RJP43 . Sorry about all the trouble, my bad!

nlottig94 commented 8 years ago

@laurenmcguigan @jlm323 @mmm202 @mjb232 Hi all! We have the merge issue resolved!
EVERYONE NEEDS TO PULL FROM UPSTREAM MASTER!! git pull upstream master AND THEN: git push (which pushes to your fork!!) THEN: git status (to see if you're up-to-date.)

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

Very important that before beginning work you do these steps first and then work and then be sure to add and commit and do a pull request as you work don't wait till the end of the day or the end of multiple days work to add your changes because it is likely someone else is working on something that will have an effect on your work and might cause future merge issues. Also when you do the pull request push yo your remote fork too that way your fork stays up to date as you go.

RJP43 commented 8 years ago
