laurent-martin / ets-to-homeassistant

script to convert ETS5 project file to a YAML configuration file suitable for Home Assistant
Apache License 2.0
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issue with when executing this script #6

Closed cosmoricky closed 2 years ago

cosmoricky commented 2 years ago

Hi, first of all thank you very much for your effort and great work to realize this usecase to export/import KNX for HA. But i'm facing to the problem when executing this script,i get always the failure ./ets_to_hass.rb:207:in block in <main>': undefined methodstart_with?' for :process_space:Symbol (NoMethodError) from ./ets_to_hass.rb:207:in select' from ./ets_to_hass.rb:207:in

' Im running the script on MAC OS 12.2 - and ruby 2.6.8p205 (2021-07-07 revision 67951). I installed gem install gem zip and gem xml-simple. Would be reat if you can support me in that case

laurent-martin commented 2 years ago

Right, Symbol.start_with? was introduced in ruby 2.7.0 ... I have modified so that it also works with earlier versions of Ruby.

Note: I have updated also to use gem rubyzip instead of simply zip, so you may do:

git pull
gem uninstall zip
gem install bundler
bundle install