laurent22 / joplin

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bug in PDF export #4135

Open Hoffenbar opened 4 years ago

Hoffenbar commented 4 years ago

v1.3.18, windows portable

Just noticed the following: if the links within a table of contents contain "Umlauts" (äöü etc.), and the notice is exported to pdf, the table of content is rendered ok in the pdf, but the links with Umlauts are not clickable there (tested with Sumatra PDF reader). PDF example attached. startwrap.pdf

tessus commented 4 years ago

This also happens with Japanese, Russian, and French characters. I'm not really sure why, because special characters work and Unicode characters as well. Here's a test markup text:


# 日本語のテキスト


# Немного текста на русском


# Something with an umlaut ä test


# et voilà


# heading (special)


# another @ char


# a lot of special characters !@#$%^&*


# test !


# test %


# unicode 🔥 character


laurent22 commented 4 years ago

It's not clear to me why this is happening. The PDF is built from an HTML file, and that HTML file is valid UTF-8 (the links work in it) so I can only assume it's an upstream issue. To test you can try to export as HTML and the links should work.

tessus commented 4 years ago

I remember at one point we fixed this by changing the slugify code.

However, it is valid HTML code, so it's most likely an upstream issue. We are using the Electron code to print to PDF. @Hoffenbar maybe you can open an issue with Electron and reference this issue here?

Hoffenbar commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the long delay. Just tested again, and the problem remains. Attached is the markdown and the generated PDF. Only the links within the table cells are affected.

I haven't opened an issue with Electron yet as my knowledge of what's going on under the hood and how things work together is too bad. If the Electron guys came up with further inquieries I am not able to answer them, so it don't make much sense.... sorry