Original check whether previous backup to the same destination is still running does not work for linux. It is at the moment:
RUNNINGPID="$(fn_run_cmd "cat $INPROGRESS_FILE")"
if [ "$RUNNINGPID" = "$(pgrep -o -f "$APPNAME")" ]; then
fn_log_error "Previous backup task is still active - aborting."
exit 1
If backup is run to local disk rsync spawns two processes and $INPROGRESS_FILE contains PID of newer rsync instance than one returned by pgrep -o -f
Also some edge cases are not caught e.g. if there is another older rsync_tmbackup backup already running (to different destination) pgrep will pick up its PID instead of one of our backup we try to lock.
I suggest to change it and use:
RUNNINGPID="$(fn_run_cmd "cat $INPROGRESS_FILE")"
if ps -p "$RUNNINGPID" -o command | grep "$APPNAME"
fn_log_error "Previous backup task is still active - aborting."
exit 1
It is better explicitly check if process with PID from $INPROGRESS_FILE is running and it is another $APPNAME process.
Original check whether previous backup to the same destination is still running does not work for linux. It is at the moment:
If backup is run to local disk rsync spawns two processes and $INPROGRESS_FILE contains PID of newer rsync instance than one returned by pgrep -o -f
Also some edge cases are not caught e.g. if there is another older rsync_tmbackup backup already running (to different destination) pgrep will pick up its PID instead of one of our backup we try to lock.
I suggest to change it and use:
It is better explicitly check if process with PID from $INPROGRESS_FILE is running and it is another $APPNAME process.
I will create pull request with suggested change.