laurent22 / rsync-time-backup

Time Machine style backup with rsync.
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Script hanging during incremental backup over SSH #154

Closed bombsandbottles closed 5 years ago

bombsandbottles commented 5 years ago


I am trying to use this wonderful script over SSH and running into a couple of issues. Most pressing is that when I initiate a backup:

sudo -p -i user@ip:

I hit a wall with this output where the script will not progress:

rsync_tmbackup: Starting backup... rsync_tmbackup: From: rsync_tmbackup: To: user@ip: rsync_tmbackup: Running command: rsync_tmbackup: rsync -e 'ssh -p -i -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' -D --compress --numeric-ids --links --hard-links --one-file-system --itemize-changes --times --recursive --perms --owner --group --stats --human-readable --log-file '.log' --link-dest='' -- '' 'user@ip:' Warning: Permanently added '[ip]:' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

Any ideas?

bombsandbottles commented 5 years ago

Closing, got a successful backup running. Nothing changed so who knows why.