laurent22 / rsync-time-backup

Time Machine style backup with rsync.
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Bash/shell script syntax error in line 467 #168

Closed shmilee closed 4 years ago

shmilee commented 4 years ago
./ line 467: -D --numeric-ids --links --hard-links --one-file-system --itemize-changes --times --recursive --perms --owner --group --stats --human-readable=-D --numeric-ids --links --hard-links --one-file-system --itemize-changes --times --recursive --perms --owner --group --stats --human-readable --compress: command not found

so we should change line




It seems this is a small mistake.

Hierosme commented 4 years ago

i can confirm that.

With a IDE it have SHELL interpreter, you can found and fixe every warining. It error is the only one with crtical status.