laurent22 / rsync-time-backup

Time Machine style backup with rsync.
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Crashing on Windows10 - Page Fault in Non Paged area - WSL Ubuntu #214

Open james-cook opened 4 years ago

james-cook commented 4 years ago

As filehistory is so unreliable I recently installed this software - and ran it in WSL Ubuntu. It seemed to work fine. I'm saving the whole of my "User" directory - which is about 108GB(!).

After about 3 or so successful runs, I started getting a BSOD with a "Page Fault in Non Paged area" error. After some time I realised it only happens when I run this software.

At some point I "switched off" virtual memory (which did not help). I have 8GB RAM. SMART on my SSD seems fine..

Just wondering if anyone else has seen this problem? Is 108GB of files too much?

james-cook commented 4 years ago

My current thinking on this is that it may be a memory leak in WSL Ubuntu. Testing with cygwin - no crash "so far"... (still testing)

james-cook commented 4 years ago

I am now running the same script in cygwin(!) Up-to-now I have had no errors... so it seems to be a WSL Ubuntu(16.04) problem I'll give it a few runs and report back.