laurentj / gitiwiki

a wiki using git as backend
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page with children not complete #2

Closed foxmask closed 12 years ago

foxmask commented 12 years ago

In my defaultconfig.ini.php I've set up the following :

path = /home/foxmask/github/foxmask-jelix-manuel-fr/.git/
generators = gitiwikiGenerators
branch = master

and when we compare this

with this


I can see that the "children" are not displayed in my local app ...

in fact $hasChildren is empty...

and I can only read

Avant de plonger dans la lecture du fonctionnement du framework, cette partie de manuel va vous expliquer comment installer Jelix et créer une application.

laurentj commented 12 years ago

Did you "initialize" the book as indicated into the documentation ?

foxmask commented 12 years ago

no i didnt

so I made this and now I have everything in var/books/jelix/pages/mise-en-route

but the page does not display the link which are in var/books/jelix/pages/mise-en-route/index/page.php


laurentj commented 12 years ago

It works for me... In var/books/jelix/, What are the content of books/index.gtw/index.php, pages/mise-en-route/index/page.php and pages/mise-en-route/page.php ?

laurentj commented 12 years ago

Have you got other navigation links "introduction", "fondamentaux", "guide du développeur" ? And the legal notice at the bottom ?

foxmask commented 12 years ago

I will display the content later from home :)

and from this page I have nothing else that the content of the page it self ; no introduction/fondamentaux/guide/legal notice

foxmask commented 12 years ago

here is the content of each file

foxmask commented 12 years ago

i Got it !

thanks to Debug bar :=)

the issue was in my config file where i set this :

booksPath = "var/books"

instead of this

; a full path or a jelix relative path
; booksPath = "/home/foxmask/Public/"
booksPath = "app:var/books"

This little detail is not explain in the file of Gitiwiki. Something like :

"once the book is generated ; set the var booksPath in the section [gitiwiki] in ddefaultconfig.ini.php as follow : ..."

laurentj commented 12 years ago

doc fixed :-)

foxmask commented 12 years ago

perfect and quick :)