laurentkneip / opengv

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Ransac Distance Model in pure rotation motion for Eigensolver Sac problem #106

Open ckchng opened 4 years ago

ckchng commented 4 years ago

void opengv::sac_problems:: relative_pose::EigensolverSacProblem::getSelectedDistancesToModel( const model_t & model, const std::vector & indices, std::vector & scores) const { /double referenceNorm = model.translation.norm(); double pureRotation_threshold = 0.0001; double tanAlpha_threshold = tan(0.002); double norm_threshold = 0.001;//0.000625 for(size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) { bearingVector_t f1 = _adapter.getBearingVector1(indices[i]); bearingVector_t f2 = _adapter.getBearingVector2(indices[i]); Eigen::Vector3d n = f1.cross(model.rotationf2); if( referenceNorm > pureRotation_threshold ) { double np_norm = n.transpose() model.eigenvectors.col(0); Eigen::Vector3d np = np_norm model.eigenvectors.col(0); Eigen::Vector3d no = n - np; double maxDistance = norm_threshold + tanAlpha_threshold no.norm(); scores.push_back(np.norm()/maxDistance); } else scores.push_back(n.norm()/norm_threshold); }/

translation_t tempTranslation = _adapter.gett12(); rotation_t tempRotation = _adapter.getR12();

translation_t translation = model.translation; rotation_t rotation = model.rotation; _adapter.sett12(translation); _adapter.setR12(rotation);

transformation_t inverseSolution; inverseSolution.block<3,3>(0,0) = rotation.transpose(); inverseSolution.col(3) = -inverseSolution.block<3,3>(0,0)*translation;

Eigen::Matrix<double,4,1> p_hom; p_hom[3] = 1.0;

for( size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++ ) { p_hom.block<3,1>(0,0) = opengv::triangulation::triangulate2(_adapter,indices[i]); bearingVector_t reprojection1 = p_hom.block<3,1>(0,0); bearingVector_t reprojection2 = inverseSolution * p_hom; reprojection1 = reprojection1 / reprojection1.norm(); reprojection2 = reprojection2 / reprojection2.norm(); bearingVector_t f1 = _adapter.getBearingVector1(indices[i]); bearingVector_t f2 = _adapter.getBearingVector2(indices[i]);

//bearing-vector based outlier criterium (select threshold accordingly):
//1-(f1'*f2) = 1-cos(alpha) \in [0:2]
double reprojError1 = 1.0 - (f1.transpose() * reprojection1);
double reprojError2 = 1.0 - (f2.transpose() * reprojection2);
scores.push_back(reprojError1 + reprojError2);


_adapter.sett12(tempTranslation); _adapter.setR12(tempRotation); }

I realize that the first part of the code was commented out. It seems to be dealing with pure rotation motion. If I understand correctly, the 'triangulate2' is not going to project the points properly under pure rotation motion right?

philipzimmermann commented 1 year ago

I noticed that the outlier threshold for the RotationOnlySacProblem doesn't have any influence on the outliers. Could this have to do with this?