laurilehmijoki / tomcat7_rhel

Abandoned: Puppet Forge module for installing Tomcat 7 on RHEL 6
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Allow java to be installed by other modules #22

Closed wleese closed 11 years ago

wleese commented 11 years ago

There are modules which do the java installation separately. Also some organisations like us define all packages in a custom module as a virtual resource.

wleese commented 11 years ago

Pardon the poor commit history. I've added a class tomcat7_rhel::tomcat_instances, which allows users of hiera to assign defined types through this class wrapper using for example the following yaml (change to json for json users, obviously):

      application_root: /meltwater
      tomcat_user: www-data
      jvm_envs: "-server -Xmx128m -Xms128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
      tomcat_manager: true
      tomcat_admin_user: superuser
      tomcat_admin_password: secretpassword
      tomcat_port: 8080
      tomcat_control_port: 9080

For site.pp node definition users, nothing changes and this extra class can be ignored.

laurilehmijoki commented 11 years ago

Released in version 2.5.0. Thanks!

Please supplement this documentation if you have time: