laurilehmijoki / tomcat7_rhel

Abandoned: Puppet Forge module for installing Tomcat 7 on RHEL 6
9 stars 11 forks source link

Fedora 19, does not like the \. in the tomcat_application.pp #25

Open henk52 opened 11 years ago

henk52 commented 11 years ago


I get the following error(s) when using the tomcat7_rhel module: Warning: Unrecognised escape sequence '.' in file /etc/puppet/modules/tomcat7_rhel/manifests/tomcat_application.pp at line 11 Warning: Unrecognised escape sequence '.' in file /etc/puppet/modules/tomcat7_rhel/manifests/tomcat_application.pp at line 11 Warning: Unrecognised escape sequence '.' in file /etc/puppet/modules/tomcat7_rhel/manifests/tomcat_application.pp at line 11

This is the environment that I run in: architecture => x86_64 operatingsystem => Fedora operatingsystemrelease => 19 osfamily => RedHat puppetversion => 3.1.1 rubyversion => 2.0.0

Removing the '\' fixes the issue.

Have a nice day :-)


laurilehmijoki commented 11 years ago

Hi, maybe somebody (you?) can submit a pull request that fixes this issue.

laurilehmijoki commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately I can no longer maintain this project. For more info, please see the readme.