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OSX nanocube-binnig-csv could not find program #51

Open LucaMarzialetti opened 7 years ago

LucaMarzialetti commented 7 years ago

Hello there, I've checked on Nabble forum but haven't found the related topic soooo... Here I'm, let's try this beautifull stuff :) So 1) my env is: -OSX -python installed with pandas in separeted env (I followed your guide)

2) my csv is (header and first line):

type,date,longitude,latitude,gender,age,ethnicity,outcome,clothes_removal Person search,2014-12-01T00:10:00+00:00,-2.571604,51.414716,Male,over 34,White,Nothing found - no further action,

...many other lines

3) I execute those commands in a brand new bash:

source $NANOCUBE_SRC/myPy/bin/activate

4) creating the dump (some warning on the date/deprecated etc.. but seems ok) nanocube-binning-csv --sep=',' --latcol='latitude' --loncol='longitude' --timecol='date' --catcol='type','gender','age','ethnicity','outcome','clothes_removal' path_to_csv/stop_search.csv > stop_search.dmp

5) that's the .dmp header (first 37 lines+blank line)

name: same_path_to_csv/stop_search.csv encoding: binary metadata: location__origin degrees_mercator_quadtree25 field: location nc_dim_quadtree_25 field: type nc_dim_cat_1 valname: type 0 Person_and_Vehicle_search valname: type 1 Person_search field: gender nc_dim_cat_1 valname: gender 1 Male valname: gender 2 Other valname: gender 0 Female field: age nc_dim_cat_1 valname: age 1 18-24 valname: age 2 25-34 valname: age 0 10-17 valname: age 4 under_10 valname: age 3 over_34 field: ethnicity nc_dim_cat_1 valname: ethnicity 3 White valname: ethnicity 2 Other valname: ethnicity 1 Black valname: ethnicity 0 Asian field: outcome nc_dim_cat_1 valname: outcome 0 Articlefound-_Detailed_outcome_unavailable valname: outcome 2 Nothingfound-_no_further_action valname: outcome 6 Suspect_arrested valname: outcome 4 Offender_given_drugs_possession_warning valname: outcome 7 Suspect_summonsed_to_court valname: outcome 1 Local_resolution valname: outcome 3 Offender_cautioned valname: outcome 5 Offender_given_penalty_notice field: clothes_removal nc_dim_cat_1 valname: clothes_removal 1 True valname: clothes_removal 0 False metadata: tbin 2014-12-01_00:00:00_3600s field: date nc_dim_time_2 field: count nc_var_uint_4

5) here comes the problems: trying nanocube-leaf cat stop_search.dmp | nanocube-leaf -q 29512 -f 10000 that's the output:

VERSION: 3.2.1 Could not find program: /Users/my_user_name/nanocube-3.2.1/bin/nc_q25_c1_c1_c1_c1_c1_c1_u2_u4

Where do I mess something ? :( Thanks in advance, Luca Sorry for my verbosity, just wish it could help

LucaMarzialetti commented 7 years ago

PS its seems like the number of --catcol arguments is limited to 5. (is it written somewhere ? :( ) with one argument less, everything works :)