Wenn du dich für Plugins (oder OMD oder allgemein Monitoring) interessierst oder von deiner Installation erzählen willst...die Tradition der deutschsprachigen Monitoring-Workshops wird wiederbelebt: https://discord.gg/jDfPZ63FcJ A plugin, which checks various parameters of Microsoft SQL database servers.
SQL query used in mode backup-age does not work in SQL Server 2000
(version 8.0). On this version, column recovery_model does not exist
in table master.dbo.sysdatabases.
Mon Jun 24 14:21:01 2013: bumm DBD::Sybase::st execute failed: \
Server message number=207 severity=16 state=3 line=2 \
server=mssql-2b text=Invalid column name 'recovery_model'. \
at /tmp/check_mssql_health line 3158.
In SQL 2000, the recovery model is not displayed in the system
catalogue like it is in 2005. However, thanks to the magic of
functions you can retrieve it by using the following script.
select name, databasepropertyex(name, 'Recovery') as RecoveryModel
from master.dbo.sysdatabases
order by name
SQL query used in mode backup-age does not work in SQL Server 2000 (version 8.0). On this version, column recovery_model does not exist in table master.dbo.sysdatabases.
Mon Jun 24 14:21:01 2013: bumm DBD::Sybase::st execute failed: \ Server message number=207 severity=16 state=3 line=2 \ server=mssql-2b text=Invalid column name 'recovery_model'. \ at /tmp/check_mssql_health line 3158.
CRITICAL - unable to aquire database info
This patch is based on the following post: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic1182788-5-1.aspx#bm1182799