lautenberger / elmfire

Eulerian Level set Model of FIRE spread
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Issue when using my own fuels and weather inputs #46

Open NogaGivoli opened 7 months ago

NogaGivoli commented 7 months ago

In tutorial 04, when trying to use my own fuels and weather inputs instead of data obtained from cloudfire, I receive the following error:

Creating output file that is 0P x 0L. ERROR 1: Attempt to create 0x0 dataset is illegal, sizes must be larger than zero.

However, when trying the exact same process with the output files of a fellow user, no errors occur. I am attaching my inputs which caused the error. What might be the issue? How should I change them so that they are compatible with tutorial 04?

With much appreciation, Noga Givoli

lautenberger commented 7 months ago

Thank you @NogaGivoli for submitting this issue, I will take a look and get back to you quickly. I see the GIS inputs in the above Google drive link - although I may be able to recreate the issue you are encountering by starting from tutorial 4, would you mind attaching the file that is causing problems on your end? I will attempt to run it here.

With issues like this it may come down to something like the GDAL version. What OS and version are you using and what version of GDAL is installed (gdal_translate --version)

NogaGivoli commented 7 months ago

Thank you Chris! I have now added the file to the drive. Now available here:

My GDAL version: GDAL 3.0.4, released 2020/01/28. My OS details are as follows: Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS Kernel: Linux 5.15.0-1050-azure Architecture: x86-64.