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rainloop build error #31

Open tphillips opened 8 years ago

tphillips commented 8 years ago

During the build of the rainloop container I see this output:

inflating: /var/www/rainloop/v/  
  inflating: /var/www/rainloop/v/  
  inflating: /var/www/rainloop/v/  
 ---> 97491f80c4e5
Removing intermediate container a3750bac458f
Step 5 : RUN php /var/www/index.php
 ---> Running in 8995074bc598
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Removing intermediate container 8995074bc598

After the build the container serves up the default Apache page.

tphillips commented 8 years ago

The key issue above to stop you having to grep the REALLY long line is:

An Error occurred, <br /> please refresh the page and try again.
lava commented 8 years ago

Hi, thanks for reporting this. I was kinda expecting pulling the "latest" version to break at some point, but I was hoping for more than 20 days :/ ( )

Since the rainloop guys continue to ignore calls for tagged releases, it might finally be time to look for another webmail solution.

In the meantime, if someone can identify a working commit, we can at least pin it for now to fix the build.

Vingtoft commented 8 years ago

I have the same issue, did anyone find a solution?

tam5 commented 6 years ago

I have gotten rainloop to work using the image, i can commit / add some instructions after a bit of testing