lavab / web

AngularJS web client of Lavaboom's email service
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Sync Button: Could we make it rotate? :) #934

Open vLooz opened 9 years ago

vLooz commented 9 years ago

I'm aware this is ultra low prio right now, but I think it could improve the UX a bit, when the user gets the sense of something is happening in the background. It will become more important once we have optimistic caching and the user doesn't see the inbox going white for a second to be reloaded anymore. She would need a new optical feedback then, that actually something is happening after she clicked the sync-button.

bildschirmfoto 2015-07-14 um 14 41 55
vviikk commented 9 years ago

@let4be can you add a .spin class when you start refreshing and remove it after? I'll put the animation into the CSS.