lavabit / robox

The tools needed to robotically create/configure/provision a large number of operating systems, for a variety of hypervisors, using packer.
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devuan1+devuan2 does not repect ip-address #161

Open ole-tange opened 4 years ago

ole-tange commented 4 years ago

This config sets the IP-address of the secondary interface in devuan3 (and in most other boxes), but it does not do so in devuan1+2:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  ... "private_network", ip: ""
timschumi commented 3 years ago

Devuan is apparently entirely unsupported as a guest by Vagrant, so setting up networks doesn't work on any of the Devuan versions. If I overwrite the guest type to be Debian (because that's what it effectively is), creating new networks works just fine on all three versions.

In any case, this is more likely to be a Vagrant issue instead of a roboxes issue.