lavabit / robox

The tools needed to robotically create/configure/provision a large number of operating systems, for a variety of hypervisors, using packer.
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Feature request: generic/ubuntu2004 arm64 parallels #183

Open dominikzogg opened 3 years ago

dominikzogg commented 3 years ago

I am playing arount with a new M1 processor and try to find out what is possible and what it's not. It seems that vagrant + the parallels plugin already work. The only thing that seems missing is arm64 image for paralles to get vagrant up and running.

I have no idea how much work that would make, so hopefully its not a naive feature request.

ladar commented 3 years ago

@dominikzogg I've wanted to add ARM images for awhile now, but I don't have access to the required hardware. I tried to getting into the Ampere dev program so I could setup a server at the datacenter for these builds, but that effort failed, we don't have the budget to purchase one at retail prices.

ARM boxes on parallels are even tougher, because they'll require an ARM based Mac, and I don't see us getting one anytime soon. If you know someone willing and/or able to donate an M1 Mac Mini (preferably 2 Mac Minis, so we can do ARM libvirt, and ARM parallels, and/or setup one at the datacenter and keep one in the lab testing/development), and can provide the requisite Parallels licenses, then I can make this happen.

I've also been meaning to open tickets with the Vagrant project regarding architecture variants. Ideally we should be able to add arches to a repo the same way we add providers, but last I checked that wasn't on the Vagrant project roadmap. So it would require creating new repos, the same we handle the x32 boxes we currently build.

CJKay commented 3 years ago

@ladar I believe Oracle is offering some level of free compute on their Ampere-based servers, if that's of any help. It won't help with Parallels, but might help with libvirt and friends.

ladar commented 2 years ago

I'm still working on getting arm hardware so I can add this...