lavague-ai / LaVague

Large Action Model framework to develop AI Web Agents
Apache License 2.0
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Perform automatic tests on websites #378

Open adeprez opened 4 days ago

adeprez commented 4 days ago

Automating tests for websites

To be run on CI or locally


Develop a system to perform automated tests on different websites, whether they are hosted online, static, or run locally. The system should:

It will enable us to monitor performance and coverage improvements over time. Contributors can submit use cases to ensure they remain supported, allowing for continuous enhancement.


The testing framework can be organized within a tests directory inside the repository. Each website or web application to be tested will have its own subdirectory containing a configuration file and any necessary assets.

        |___ config.json
   |___ iframe
        |___ config.json
        |___ iframe.html


  "url": "",
  "tasks": [{
    "prompt": "Go to LaVague AI",
    "expect": {
      "end_url": ""


  "start": "python -m http.server 8080"
  "url": "http://localhost:8080",
  "tasks": [  ]
adeprez commented 4 days ago

Top websites we can start testing on: