I've using isolated-vm to run async batch function with nodejs v18 and nestjs. Today I've updated node version to v20.12.2. I've comfirmed that nestjs server run with the following command.
success command
NODE_OPTIONS='--no-node-snapshot' nest start
However, when I run the following command, I got an error.
fail command
NODE_OPTIONS='--no-node-snapshot' npx jest --runInBand
error message
node: symbol lookup error: /home/XX/workspace/XX/XX/node_modules/isolated-vm/out/isolated_vm.node: undefined symbol: _ZN2v814ScriptCompiler24CompileFunctionInContextENS_5LocalINS_7ContextEEEPNS0_6SourceEmPNS1_INS_6StringEEEmPNS1_INS_6ObjectEEENS0_14CompileOptionsENS0_13NoCacheReasonEPNS1_INS_14ScriptOrModuleEEE
Is my setting of the command wrong? I'm not much familiar with both nodejs and jest. So maybe I'm wrong and I didn't find any way to solve the problem. I'll be glad that someone helps me.
I've using isolated-vm to run async batch function with nodejs v18 and nestjs. Today I've updated node version to v20.12.2. I've comfirmed that nestjs server run with the following command.
success command
However, when I run the following command, I got an error.
fail command
error message
Is my setting of the command wrong? I'm not much familiar with both nodejs and jest. So maybe I'm wrong and I didn't find any way to solve the problem. I'll be glad that someone helps me.