lavie / runlike

Given an existing docker container, prints the command line necessary to run a copy of it.
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docker-compose #39

Open edasque opened 5 years ago

edasque commented 5 years ago

Have you thought about generating a docker-compose file as well? While they typically combine a few services, a fragment would work well.

lavie commented 5 years ago

What would you use that for? The purpose of this script as I originally envisioned it is to let you run ad-hoc containers that were launched with lots of switches. What's the use-case that you have in mind for adding support for docker-compose output format?

hellodanylo commented 5 years ago

Generating docker-compose.yml is useful for taking snapshots of a running set of containers. It would be a useful dev-ops tool.

lavie commented 2 years ago

It would be an interesting challenge to try to implement this. docker-compose is so much more than just containers, though. It's networks, volumes, etc. practically the entire docker engine API would have to be employed.

Cassock commented 2 years ago

This is the exact use case I've found myself with today. I have a host running 39ish containers that were created using a mix of compose, run commands, and portainer, that all need to be recreated on a different host while I rebuild the first one.

acortelyou commented 6 months ago

you can pipe the output of runlike into composerize.

unfortunately that codebase is npm and this one is python or else we could have ourselves a pr with the combined functionality pretty quick.

either way, using these tools together is a great way to jump from ad-hoc to managed...

now we just need the same for kubernetes (jk)