laviii123 / Btecky

Hacktoberfest 2023
312 stars 795 forks source link

feat: Add Marvel Quiz Web App #546

Open purnasth opened 8 months ago

purnasth commented 8 months ago

Issue Title: feat: Add Marvel Quiz Web App

Issue Description

I propose to add a Marvel Quiz Web App to this repository. The web app will be built using React, Axios, and Tailwind CSS. This interactive quiz app will engage users with questions related to the Marvel universe, testing their knowledge about Marvel characters, stories, and more.

Project Details

Additional Information

If there are any specific guidelines or requirements for contributing to the repository, please provide the necessary details to ensure a smooth integration of the project.

I'm enthusiastic about creating this Marvel Quiz Web App and would appreciate the opportunity to contribute it to the repository. Thank you for considering this addition.

Ashima2003 commented 8 months ago

I wish to contribute. Kindly assign me this issue.