lavr / python-emails

Modern python library for emails
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Import jinja template from external file #74

Closed dalepotter closed 7 years ago

dalepotter commented 7 years ago

Hi, nice library!

Is it possible to import a template from an external file (for example template.html)? I've adapted the example code in the docs, but am getting a TypeError - see below.

If this is possible, I'm happy to send a pull request to extend the docs examples.

import emails
from emails.template import JinjaTemplate as T

message = emails.html(
     subject=T('Payment Receipt No.{{ billno }}'),
     mail_from=('ABC', '')

r = message.send(...)

This gives:

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Can't compile non template nodes
lavr commented 7 years ago


JinjaTemplate constructor receives unicode string as first argument, so try T(open('template.html').read())

For non-ascii content you should probably decode text to unicode: T(open('template.html').read().decode('latin-1'))