Closed dschick closed 4 years ago
At DESY we use lavue to define bounds of RoIs and pass them into a tango server which calculates RoI sums. We have a few ways to implement it, it depends on how fast are the scans and what kind of detector is used.
For passing RoIs bounds we provide the following options: 1) use RoIs attribute of the Tango server - lavue can be started with
lavue -n \<tango device name with a spectrum "RoIs" attribute\>
then after clicking the Add
button in the "ROI" tool the current bounds of RoIs are written into this RoIs attribute of the tango device in a numpy slice convention. In this case Tango Server could be
2) use DetectorROIs MacroServer environment variables -- after clicking the Add
button in the "ROI" tool the current bounds of RoIs are written into the DetectorROIs MacroServer environment variables. Then user tango server can fetch this ROI bounds, calulate the roi sums provide the results in its tango attribute.
3) use LavueController server -- lavue can be started with
lavue -a \<LavueController tango device name\>
when you start also instance of LavueController ( and every time use changes ROI bounds the DetectorROIs attribute of LC server is updated. In this case user tango server can fetch this ROI bounds from the DetectorROIs attribute, calulate the roi sums provide the results in its tango attribute.
In all this cases the user tango server can be also a sardana pool device (at DESY we create pool devices for user tango attributes with use of tangoattributectctrl
Hi @jkotan ,
thank you very much. I think we actually did something like this:
* user server which fetch informations about images from a detector server and provides results in its scalar attributes (solution for fast detectors in slow scans, i.e.
So we defined a pseudoCounter in Sardana which has the TwoDExperimentalChannel (this one interacts with the Camera Tango DS) as input role and multiple scalars for each ROI integral as output roles.
Then we defined an extra controller attribute for the pseudoCounter controller named rois
and started LaVue with the according address of this Tango attribute.
This allows as to calculate the ROI integrals in Sardana accessing the ROI coordinates from LaVue
In all this cases the user tango server can be also a sardana pool device (at DESY we create pool devices for user tango attributes with use of
Is this meant when starting Lavue with a Door device -d option?
Great it works for you.
At DESY we have two layers: original tango servers and sardana controllers which server a role of adapters fro tango servers , so the tangoattributectctrl controller allows to access any attribute from tango server (not too much related to -d option).
The "-d" option allows for additional communication with MacroServer, e.g.
1) it sets ROIs parameters in sardana environment variables by pressing the Add
button (ROI
DetectorROIs {'rois': [[142, 233, 196, 318], [10, 10, 60, 60]]} dict
DetectorROIsOrder ['rois'] list
DetectorROIsParams [] list
2) if macros nxsadd
and nxsrm
add defined and Add ROIs to MG:
is checked in the lavue configuration it adds ROI aliases to the current MG group (ROI
3) it reads back ROIs parameters from sardana environment variables by pressing the Fetch
button (ROI
4) it performs the sardana mesh
scan of selected ROI (MeshScan
LaVue stores in its configuration the last used door (defined by -d
The currently selected door device can be seen in
Configuration -> General -> Sardana ->Door
in the expert mode: lavue -m expert
I am currently trying the first thing
The "-d" option allows for additional communication with MacroServer, e.g.
1. it sets ROIs parameters in sardana environment variables by pressing the `Add` button (`ROI` tool)
shall I link the Door or Macroserver of that door with the -d option? Do I have to do anything else with the Door/Macroserver? Somehow, I cannot see the ROIs appearing in the Environment
I've forgotten to write you that in order to send ROIs to the Environment you need also to define label(s) in ROI alias(es):
, e.g.
pilatusroi1 pilatusroi2
which will appear in the DetectorROIs
In -d option you put your door device name
In Configuration->General-> Sardana you should have something like
Enabled: Y
Door: p09/door/haso000jk.02
Hi @jkotan ,
I tried the settings as you described:
pilatusroi1 pilatusroi2
I can only but in one line, such as
pilatusroi1 pilatusroi2
is that fine?
I enabled the door and added mine like
But I do get the following error when trying to add the ROIs:
lavue: Error in connecting to Door or MacroServer
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Environment'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lavuelib/", line 1179, in applyROIs
str(self.__settings.doorname), ["DetectorROIs"]))
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lavuelib/", line 146, in getScanEnv
rec = msp.Environment
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Environment'
Then I tried setting the FQDN for the door like
and get the following error
lavue: Error in connecting to Door or MacroServer
invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
I was wondering where the log-files are written to? changing the debug option did not changed anything in the terminal output so far.
Hello Daniel,
You are right. The logger needs to be improved. For aliases it is needed only one line (anything).
If you use provide TangoHost in the door device name (not needed) it should be without tango://
Just to see what is going on could you please clone debug
branch and start lavue in debug mode., e.g.
git clone -b debug
cd lavue
./lavue --log debug
Best, Jan
I did as you said, but again same error as before
lavue: Error in connecting to Door or MacroServer
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Environment'
and only once an output in the terminal:
WARNING:lavuelib.imageWidget:'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_property'
maybe a bit off-topic, but do you have also an example for this case:
* user server which fetch informations about images from a detector server and provides results in its spectrum attributes after scan in finished (solution for fast detectors)
Hi Daniel,
that is weird. Before this error getMacroServer()
should be called. Using debug
branch I get the following debug information from getMacroServer()
in my terminal
jkotan@haso000jk:~/ndts/lavue$ ./lavue --log debug
DEBUG:lavuelib.sardanaUtils:Door: p09/door/haso000jk.01
DEBUG:lavuelib.sardanaUtils:Tango Host: None
DEBUG:lavuelib.sardanaUtils:Database: Database(, 10000)
DEBUG:lavuelib.sardanaUtils:MacroSevers: ['p09/macroserver/haso000jk.01']
DEBUG:lavuelib.sardanaUtils:DoorList: ('p09/door/haso000jk.01', 'p09/door/haso000jk.02', 'p09/door/haso000jk.03')
DEBUG:lavuelib.sardanaUtils:Door MacroServer: MacroServer(p09/macroserver/haso228jk.01)
It looks like lavue cannot find you MacroServer assigned to your Door. Could you please run
import PyTango
door = "door/imaging/1"
print("Door: %s" % door)
sdoor = door.split("/")
tangohost = None
if len(sdoor) > 1 and ":" in sdoor[0]:
door = "/".join(sdoor[1:])
tangohost = sdoor[0]
print("Tango Host: %s" % tangohost)
if tangohost:
host, port = tangohost.split(":")
db = PyTango.Database(host, int(port))
db = PyTango.Database()
print("Database: %s" % str(db))
servers = db.get_device_exported_for_class("MacroServer").value_string
print("MacroSevers: %s" % str(servers))
ms = None
for server in servers:
dp = None
if tangohost and ":" not in server:
msname = "%s/%s" % (tangohost, server)
msname = str(server)
dp = PyTango.DeviceProxy(msname)
except Exception as e:
dp = None
if hasattr(dp, "DoorList"):
lst = dp.DoorList
print("DoorList: %s" % str(lst))
if lst and (door in lst or
("%s/%s" % (tangohost, door) in lst)):
ms = dp
print("Door MacroServer: %s" % str(ms))
which is more or less content of getMacroServer() with print()
maybe a bit off-topic, but do you have also an example for this case:
* user server which fetch informations about images from a detector server and provides results in its spectrum attributes after scan in finished (solution for fast detectors)
This can be done with sardana only for specific FileRecorders, i.e. recorders with can record data at the end of the scan. Thus you cannot use text file formats like spec or fio. You can do it with Nexus files but I'm afraid not with NeXus ALBA recorder distributed with sardana (PrescanSnapShot is stored only at the beginning of the scan ). At DESY we use our own Sardana NeXus recorder NXS_FileRecorder which can do it but it requires more complicated setup SDM workshop. On our beamlines we have similar application (e.g. append images after scan to the master file) but we have not used yet for ROIs.
okay, I was in the develop not debug branch, sorry.
Here is the output (from another door, named scattering not imaging):
DEBUG:lavuelib.sardanaUtils:Door: ampere.sxr.lab:10000/door/scattering/1
DEBUG:lavuelib.sardanaUtils:Tango Host: ampere.sxr.lab:10000
DEBUG:lavuelib.sardanaUtils:Database: Database(ampere.sxr.lab, 10000)
DEBUG:lavuelib.sardanaUtils:MacroSevers: ['MacroServer/scattering/1']
DEBUG:lavuelib.sardanaUtils:DoorList: ('Door/scattering/1',)
but again the error.
Your script give the output:
Door: door/scattering/1
Tango Host: None
Database: Database(ampere.sxr.lab, 10000)
MacroSevers: ['MacroServer/scattering/1']
DoorList: ('Door/scattering/1',)
The problem arises from the lastif
if lst and (door in lst or
("%s/%s" % (tangohost, door) in lst)):
The issue is with the capitalization of the door names.
So when changing the Door name from door/scattering/1
to Door/scattering/1
it works and the rois are finally written to the environment.
I am just wondering, that there is always one entry called roi in the environment, altough I called my two rois roi1 and roi2:
DetectorROIs {'rois': [[0, 0, 50, 50]], 'roi1': [[578, 183, 802, 347]], 'roi2': [[276, [...] dict
DetectorROIsOrder ['roi1', 'roi2'] list
Great it works !
is used to keep all ROIs (also previous). In this way you can save various ROI aliases for different image sources.
To get the latter on you can find them in DetectorROIsOrder
many thanks for all the inputs and help. are you planning to git rid of the capitalization issue, since it actually does not matter in tango, right?
I am closing, anyhow
Yes sure #244. Thanks for tests.
hi @jkotan
many thanks for this great piece of software.
We would like to use the ROIs of LaVue as counters in Sardana. Is there already some driver available?