lawremi / CustomOreGen

Custom Ore Generation mod for Minecraft, originally by JRoush
Artistic License 2.0
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TileEntity Supported? #39

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

Hi, I've been trying to get CoG to work with GregTech, I have found the correct unlocalized name for the Ores however they seems to be tile entities. When I use them with CoG it only spawns the main block.

Does CoG support tile entities? And if so, what did I do wrong?

For a test i replaced minecraft:diamond_ore with gregtech:gt.blockores:32 inside a copy of the MinecraftOres.xml (copied to custom dir), but it spawned gregtech:gt.blockores:0 instead of :32.

lawremi commented 10 years ago

Sorry, yes, they are tile entities, which are not yet supported. We would need to express NBT in XML. That's very feasible, but it would take some work.

On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 11:02 PM, thepilch wrote:

Hi, I've been trying to get CoG to work with GregTech, I have found the correct unlocalized name for the Ores however they seems to be tile entities. When I use them with CoG it only spawns the main block.

Does CoG support tile entities? And if so, what did I do wrong?

For a test i replaced minecraft:diamond_ore with gregtech:gt.oreblocks:32 but it spawned GT.ore blocks.0

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ghost commented 10 years ago

Oh ok :) this seems to be (so far) the only stumbling block to getting CoG and GT to work together. When/if this feature gets added I'll try and do a pull request for a fully usable GregTech xml :)

lawremi commented 10 years ago

Yea, unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to commit time to this unless it becomes a more general trend among mods.

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 12:58 PM, thepilch wrote:

Oh ok :) this seems to be (so far) the only stumbling block to getting CoG and GT to work together. When/if this feature gets added I'll try and do a pull request for a fully usable GregTech xml :)

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ghost commented 10 years ago

I just looked at 1.8 block names and I see stone:2 etc, is that a tile entity?

retep998 commented 10 years ago

No, stone:2 is a regular block with a metadata of 2. A TileEntity is a block with NBT data, which stone:2 is not.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Bugger. Typical Greg does things too differently >.< heh. Oh well if it ever happens I'll still do an XML :) thanks lawremi!

lawremi commented 10 years ago

I'm going to reopen, because we do want to support this eventually. This will remind us.

lawremi commented 10 years ago

Btw, I am working on a Gregtech config inspired by Geologica, so please hold off unless you really want to do your own thing.