lawremi / ggbio

Grid and ggplot2 based visualization for biological data
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bug from jason #35

Open tengfei opened 11 years ago

tengfei commented 11 years ago

Hi Michael,

I found a bug in the bbgio function getLimits: NA values present in the y values give NA for both min and max values. This leads to an error when combining plots using tracks. Here's the line in particular:

res <- suppressWarnings(list(xlim = c(min(c(l.res$xmin, x, xmin)), max(c(l.res$xmax, x, xmax, xend))), ylim = c(min(c(l.res$ymin, y, ymin)), max(c(l.res$ymax, y, ymax, yend)))))

here's my fix:

res <- suppressWarnings(list(xlim = c(min(c(l.res$xmin, x, xmin), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(l.res$xmax, x, xmax, xend), na.rm=TRUE)), ylim = c(min(c(l.res$ymin, y, ymin), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(l.res$ymax, y, ymax, yend), na.rm=TRUE))))

There's also some unusual behavior when combining tracks when you set legend.position="none". I've attached an example plot. There's excess space on the right margin where the legend should be but isn't.


IanSudbery commented 10 years ago

I also have this problem.

I have a BigWig file I would like to visualize, which shows the mapped read depth from an RNA-seq experiment. This file is one of the ENCODE rnaseq files. Importantly the bigwig only contains entries where there is expression. Bases with zero mapped depth are excluded.

I load a part of this up into R using rtracklayer's import command:

>gr = GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1"), IRanges(from=159500770, to=160000770))
>expres <- import("", which = gr, asRangedData = F)
GRanges with 218180 ranges and 1 metadata column

Note that the window is 1Mb big, but my GRanges object only has 218180 entries

I now want to plot this, but if I do it straight off, then the resulting computation takes forever, and would eventaully return more data than can be visualized. So aggregate over windows:

>expression_plot = ggplot(expres, aes(y=score)) + stat_aggregate(aes(y=score),window=1000, geom="bar") + scale_y_log10() + ylab("Read\nDepth") + xlim(gr)

This plots the expected coverage plot at a suitable resolution.

The problem comes when I try to combine this with another track:

> gene_plot <- ggplot(genes) + geom_alignment(aes(group=gene_id, fill = strand, color=strand),range.geom="arrowrect", group.selfish = F, extend.size =50000) + xlim(gr)

> tracks(Genes=gene_plot,, Expression=expression_plot, heights=c(3,1)) + theme_alignment(border = F, grid = F) + xlim(gr)
Error in if (zero_range(range)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

5: scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05)
4: FUN(X[[2L]], ...)
3: lapply(dots[!fixs & ideo], function(grob) {
       scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05)
2: lapply(dots[!fixs & ideo], function(grob) {
       scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05)
1: tracks(Genes = gene_plot, Expression = exp_plot, heights = c(3, 

I've managed to trace the problem to the fact that stat_aggregate returns NA values if there are no features in a particular window. This NA then propagates through to the data of the layer, and so getLimits returns NA, which is a problem for expand_ranges, although plotting the grob on its own seems fine.

I note the patch above, but my R development skills arn't good enough to apply it myself to our system.

tengfei commented 10 years ago

Hi Ian,

Thanks a lot for reporting the bug and sorry for the late reply, would you mind give me a small subset of test data and example code so I could produce the error on my machine and fix it as soon as possible.



On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Ian Sudbery notifications@github.comwrote:

I also have this problem.

I have a BigWig file I would like to visualize, which shows the mapped read depth from an RNA-seq experiment. This file is one of the ENCODE rnaseq files. Importantly the bigwig only contains entries where there is expression. Bases with zero mapped depth are excluded.

I load a part of this up into R using rtracklayer's import command:

gr = GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1"), IRanges(from=159500770, to=160000770)) expres <- import("", which = gr, asRangedData = F) expres GRanges with 218180 ranges and 1 metadata column

Note that the window is 1Mb big, but my GRanges object only has 218180 entries

I now want to plot this, but if I do it straight off, then the resulting computation takes forever, and would eventaully return more data than can be visualized. So aggregate over windows:

expression_plot = ggplot(expres, aes(y=score)) + stat_aggregate(aes(y=score),window=1000, geom="bar") + scale_y_log10() + ylab("Read\nDepth") + xlim(gr)

This plots the expected coverage plot at a suitable resolution.

The problem comes when I try to combine this with another track:

gene_plot <- ggplot(genes) + geom_alignment(aes(group=gene_id, fill = strand, color=strand),range.geom="arrowrect", group.selfish = F, extend.size =50000) + xlim(gr)

tracks(Genes=gene_plot,, Expression=expression_plot, heights=c(3,1)) + theme_alignment(border = F, grid = F) + xlim(gr) Error in if (zero_range(range)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

traceback() 5: scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05) 4: FUN(X[[2L]], ...) 3: lapply(dots[!fixs & ideo], function(grob) { scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05) }) 2: lapply(dots[!fixs & ideo], function(grob) { scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05) }) 1: tracks(Genes = gene_plot, Expression = exp_plot, heights = c(3, 1))

I've managed to trace the problem to the fact that stat_aggregate returns NA values if there are no features in a particular window. This NA then propagates through to the data of the layer, and so getLimits returns NA, which is a problem for expand_ranges, although plotting the grob on its own seems fine.

I note the patch above, but my R development skills arn't good enough to apply it myself to our system.

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IanSudbery commented 10 years ago

Hi tengfei,

I am away for the next three weeks. I will send you some test data when I return if it's still useful.


Sent from Samsung mobile on O2

-------- Original message -------- From: Tengfei Yin Date: To: tengfei/ggbio Cc: Ian Sudbery Subject: Re: [ggbio] bug from jason (#35)

Hi Ian,

Thanks a lot for reporting the bug and sorry for the late reply, would you mind give me a small subset of test data and example code so I could produce the error on my machine and fix it as soon as possible.



On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Ian Sudbery notifications@github.comwrote:

I also have this problem.

I have a BigWig file I would like to visualize, which shows the mapped read depth from an RNA-seq experiment. This file is one of the ENCODE rnaseq files. Importantly the bigwig only contains entries where there is expression. Bases with zero mapped depth are excluded.

I load a part of this up into R using rtracklayer's import command:

gr = GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1"), IRanges(from=159500770, to=160000770)) expres <- import("", which = gr, asRangedData = F) expres GRanges with 218180 ranges and 1 metadata column

Note that the window is 1Mb big, but my GRanges object only has 218180 entries

I now want to plot this, but if I do it straight off, then the resulting computation takes forever, and would eventaully return more data than can be visualized. So aggregate over windows:

expression_plot = ggplot(expres, aes(y=score)) + stat_aggregate(aes(y=score),window=1000, geom="bar") + scale_y_log10() + ylab("Read\nDepth") + xlim(gr)

This plots the expected coverage plot at a suitable resolution.

The problem comes when I try to combine this with another track:

gene_plot <- ggplot(genes) + geom_alignment(aes(group=gene_id, fill = strand, color=strand),range.geom="arrowrect", group.selfish = F, extend.size =50000) + xlim(gr)

tracks(Genes=gene_plot,, Expression=expression_plot, heights=c(3,1)) + theme_alignment(border = F, grid = F) + xlim(gr) Error in if (zero_range(range)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

traceback() 5: scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05) 4: FUN(X[[2L]], ...) 3: lapply(dots[!fixs & ideo], function(grob) { scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05) }) 2: lapply(dots[!fixs & ideo], function(grob) { scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05) }) 1: tracks(Genes = gene_plot, Expression = exp_plot, heights = c(3, 1))

I've managed to trace the problem to the fact that stat_aggregate returns NA values if there are no features in a particular window. This NA then propagates through to the data of the layer, and so getLimits returns NA, which is a problem for expand_ranges, although plotting the grob on its own seems fine.

I note the patch above, but my R development skills arn't good enough to apply it myself to our system.

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IanSudbery commented 10 years ago

Hi Tengfei,

I am now back in the office and can supply you with the require test data. Please find attached two files, features.gtf.gz and

You can reproduce the error with the following commands

library(rtracklayer) library(GenomicRanges) library(ggbio)

gr = GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1"), IRanges(start= 159500770, end=160000770))

exprs = import("", asRangedData=F) expression_plot = ggplot(exprs, aes(y=score)) + stat_aggregate(aes(y=score), window = 1000, geom = "bar") + scale_y_log10() + ylab("Read\nDepth")

genes = import("../illumina1_4c_run3/features.gtf.gz", which = gr, asRangedData=F) gene_plot <- ggplot(genes) + geom_alignment(aes(group=gene_id, fill = strand, color=strand),range.geom="arrowrect", group.selfish = F, extend.size =50000) + xlim(gr)

tracks(Genes=gene_plot,Expression=expression_plot, heights=c(3,1)) + theme_alignment(border=F, grid = F) + xlim(gr)

Here is my sessionInfo()

R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

locale: [1] C

attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

other attached packages: [1] ggbio_1.6.6 ggplot2_0.9.3.1 rtracklayer_1.18.2 [4] GenomicRanges_1.10.7 IRanges_1.16.6 BiocGenerics_0.4.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] AnnotationDbi_1.20.7 BSgenome_1.26.1 Biobase_2.18.0 [4] Biostrings_2.26.3 DBI_0.2-7 GenomicFeatures_1.10.2 [7] Hmisc_3.12-2 MASS_7.3-23 RColorBrewer_1.0-5 [10] RCurl_1.95-4.1 RSQLite_0.11.4 Rsamtools_1.10.2 [13] VariantAnnotation_1.4.12 XML_3.96-1.1 biomaRt_2.14.0 [16] biovizBase_1.6.2 bitops_1.0-6 cluster_1.14.4 [19] colorspace_1.2-2 dichromat_2.0-0 digest_0.6.3 [22] grid_2.15.2 gridExtra_0.9.1 gtable_0.1.2 [25] labeling_0.2 lattice_0.20-15 munsell_0.4.2 [28] parallel_2.15.2 plyr_1.8 proto_0.3-10 [31] reshape2_1.2.2 rpart_4.1-1 scales_0.2.3 [34] stats4_2.15.2 stringr_0.6.2 tools_2.15.2 [37] zlibbioc_1.4.0

Hope this makes sense,


EDIT: apparently I can't attach these files here. Download them at

On 02/04/14 20:15, Tengfei Yin wrote:

Hi Ian,

Thanks a lot for reporting the bug and sorry for the late reply, would you mind give me a small subset of test data and example code so I could produce the error on my machine and fix it as soon as possible.



On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Ian Sudbery notifications@github.comwrote:

I also have this problem.

I have a BigWig file I would like to visualize, which shows the mapped read depth from an RNA-seq experiment. This file is one of the ENCODE rnaseq files. Importantly the bigwig only contains entries where there is expression. Bases with zero mapped depth are excluded.

I load a part of this up into R using rtracklayer's import command:

gr = GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1"), IRanges(from=159500770, to=160000770)) expres <- import("", which = gr, asRangedData = F) expres GRanges with 218180 ranges and 1 metadata column

Note that the window is 1Mb big, but my GRanges object only has 218180 entries

I now want to plot this, but if I do it straight off, then the resulting computation takes forever, and would eventaully return more data than can be visualized. So aggregate over windows:

expression_plot = ggplot(expres, aes(y=score)) + stat_aggregate(aes(y=score),window=1000, geom="bar") + scale_y_log10()

  • ylab("Read\nDepth") + xlim(gr)

This plots the expected coverage plot at a suitable resolution.

The problem comes when I try to combine this with another track:

gene_plot <- ggplot(genes) + geom_alignment(aes(group=gene_id, fill = strand, color=strand),range.geom="arrowrect", group.selfish = F, extend.size =50000) + xlim(gr)

tracks(Genes=gene_plot,, Expression=expression_plot, heights=c(3,1)) + theme_alignment(border = F, grid = F) + xlim(gr) Error in if (zero_range(range)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

traceback() 5: scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05) 4: FUN(X[[2L]], ...) 3: lapply(dots[!fixs & ideo], function(grob) { scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05) }) 2: lapply(dots[!fixs & ideo], function(grob) { scales::expand_range(getLimits(grob)$ylim, mul = 0.05) }) 1: tracks(Genes = gene_plot, Expression = exp_plot, heights = c(3, 1))

I've managed to trace the problem to the fact that stat_aggregate returns NA values if there are no features in a particular window. This NA then propagates through to the data of the layer, and so getLimits returns NA, which is a problem for expand_ranges, although plotting the grob on its own seems fine.

I note the patch above, but my R development skills arn't good enough to apply it myself to our system.

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