Closed JingjingBai2021 closed 10 months ago
Hi, I am trying to convert a list of snps from hg38 to hg19.
Most of the snps have converted sucessfully with the same position in dbSNP. But some SNPs' positions are off 1.
Unconverted SNP: rs1385708574 BP: 98999310 Liftover converted: rs1385708574 BP:99651564 dbSNP: rs1385708574 BP:99651565
How to fix these? I converted data frame to GRanges object to lift the coordinates. SNP start and end were labeled the same. Best, Jingjing
This is likely due to the imprecise nature of the lift over. This question is better suited for It's not clear (yet) that this is an issue with the package itself.
Hi, I am trying to convert a list of snps from hg38 to hg19.
Most of the snps have converted sucessfully with the same position in dbSNP. But some SNPs' positions are off 1.
Unconverted SNP: rs1385708574 BP: 98999310 Liftover converted: rs1385708574 BP:99651564 dbSNP: rs1385708574 BP:99651565
How to fix these? I converted data frame to GRanges object to lift the coordinates. SNP start and end were labeled the same. Best, Jingjing