lawy623 / SVS

Code Repo for "Single View Stereo Matching" (CVPR'18 Spotlight)
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redeclaration of BlobToGrayImage #6

Open qianwangn opened 6 years ago

qianwangn commented 6 years ago

src/caffe/util/util_img.cpp:709:33: error: redeclaration of ‘template cv::Mat caffe::BlobToGrayImage

xjoshramos commented 6 years ago

I am getting the same error....

xjoshramos commented 6 years ago

xjoshramos commented 6 years ago

using crl caffe, you can run test code. There are no errors when compiling crl caffe. That caffe is the disp / flow net caffe. However, I think the img_util.cpp file is for training? The github link for crl is pasted below.

qianwangn commented 6 years ago

@xjoshramos always got segmentation fault,by crl caffe

yanqi1811 commented 6 years ago

@johnlanbor how can i solve this error? I am getting the same error... thank you!

lawy623 commented 6 years ago

I have no problem building this caffe. I think this may be the problem from opencv. I used opencv 2.4.8 and I can run through the building successfully.

ivlydp commented 6 years ago

@lawy623 May I know your compiled environment ? It may help us solve this problem. Thank you~

junfengcao commented 5 years ago

I am getting the same error too, have you compiled successfully ? @ivlydp

RichardYao1995 commented 5 years ago

I solve this problem by delete the value given to scale in the definition which shows like const Dtype scale = Dtype(1.0) just change it into const Dtype scale in this function, you need to comment a line v1 *= scale; that will be ok