laxnpander / OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge

ROS1 bridge for OpenREALM, a real-time aerial mapping framework
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 20 forks source link

The pose_estimation stage node dies after launch #3

Closed donkikos closed 4 years ago

donkikos commented 4 years ago

I am launching nodes in container. Here is the Dockerfile. The alexa_gnss.launch works fine, but the alexa_reco.launch does not work.

Search for "process has died" to find the error.

Search for "WARN" for lines that might be relevant.

root@869d082a3cc2:/catkin_ws# roslaunch realm_ros alexa_reco.launch
... logging to /root/.ros/log/2061d85e-1d24-11eb-abf4-0242ac110002/roslaunch-869d082a3cc2-30778.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://869d082a3cc2:37945/


 * /realm_densification/config/id: alexa
 * /realm_densification/config/method: psl
 * /realm_densification/config/profile: alexa_reco
 * /realm_densification/stage/type: densification
 * /realm_densification/topics/input: /realm/alexa/pose...
 * /realm_densification/topics/output: /realm/alexa/dens...
 * /realm_exiv2_grabber/config/id: alexa
 * /realm_exiv2_grabber/config/input: /root/.ros/edm_bi...
 * /realm_exiv2_grabber/config/profile: alexa_reco
 * /realm_exiv2_grabber/config/rate: 10.0
 * /realm_mosaicing/config/id: alexa
 * /realm_mosaicing/config/profile: alexa_reco
 * /realm_mosaicing/stage/type: mosaicing
 * /realm_mosaicing/topics/input: /realm/alexa/orth...
 * /realm_ortho_rectification/config/id: alexa
 * /realm_ortho_rectification/config/profile: alexa_reco
 * /realm_ortho_rectification/stage/type: ortho_rectification
 * /realm_ortho_rectification/topics/input: /realm/alexa/surf...
 * /realm_ortho_rectification/topics/output: /realm/alexa/orth...
 * /realm_pose_estimation/config/id: alexa
 * /realm_pose_estimation/config/method: open_vslam
 * /realm_pose_estimation/config/profile: alexa_reco
 * /realm_pose_estimation/stage/master: True
 * /realm_pose_estimation/stage/type: pose_estimation
 * /realm_pose_estimation/topics/input: /realm/alexa/input
 * /realm_pose_estimation/topics/output: /realm/alexa/pose...
 * /realm_surface_generation/config/id: alexa
 * /realm_surface_generation/config/profile: alexa_reco
 * /realm_surface_generation/stage/type: surface_generation
 * /realm_surface_generation/topics/input: /realm/alexa/dens...
 * /realm_surface_generation/topics/output: /realm/alexa/surf...
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.9

    realm_densification (realm_ros/realm_stage_node)
    realm_exiv2_grabber (realm_ros/realm_exiv2_grabber)
    realm_mosaicing (realm_ros/realm_stage_node)
    realm_ortho_rectification (realm_ros/realm_stage_node)
    realm_pose_estimation (realm_ros/realm_stage_node)
    realm_surface_generation (realm_ros/realm_stage_node)
    rviz (rviz/rviz)


process[realm_exiv2_grabber-1]: started with pid [30799]
[ INFO] [1604332952.443279983]: Exiv2 Grabber Node [Ankommen]: Successfully loaded camera: 
        cx = 610.324
        cy = 516.917
        fx = 1209.07
        fy = 1210.66
        k1 = -0.198806
        k2 = 0.122544
        p1 = -0.000221
        p2 = -0.000877
[ INFO] [1604332952.453292166]: Scanning input image for provided meta tags...
[ INFO] [1604332952.453824013]: [FOUND]         'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitude'
[ INFO] [1604332952.453857036]: [FOUND]         'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude'
[ INFO] [1604332952.453879143]: [FOUND]         'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude'
[ INFO] [1604332952.453890812]: [FOUND]         'Exif.Image.Model'
[ INFO] [1604332952.453904254]: [FOUND]         'Xmp.exif.REALM.Heading'
[ WARN] [1604332952.453916138]: [NOT FOUND]     'Xmp.exif.REALM.Timestamp'
[ INFO] [1604332952.453946273]: Image #0, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0000.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332952.554253817]: Image #1, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0001.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332952.654533056]: Image #2, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0002.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332952.754777442]: Image #3, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0003.jpg
process[realm_pose_estimation-2]: started with pid [30804]
[ INFO] [1604332952.855111432]: Image #4, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0004.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332952.955393235]: Image #5, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0005.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332953.020045715]: TEST: After Init
[ INFO] [1604332953.036411263]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Loading stage settings from path:
[ INFO] [1604332953.037701974]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Detected stage type: 'pose_estimation'
[ INFO] [1604332953.044688798]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: : Loading camera from path:
[ INFO] [1604332953.044884818]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: : Detected camera model: 'pinhole'
[ INFO] [1604332953.044916119]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: : Loading vslam settings from path:
[ INFO] [1604332953.045059666]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: : Detected vslam type: 'OPEN_VSLAM'
[2020-11-02 20:02:33.045] [info] config file loaded: 
  ___               __   _____ _      _   __  __ 
 / _ \ _ __  ___ _ _\ \ / / __| |    /_\ |  \/  |
| (_) | '_ \/ -_) ' \\ V /\__ \ |__ / _ \| |\/| |
 \___/| .__/\___|_||_|\_/ |___/____/_/ \_\_|  |_|

Copyright (C) 2019,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
All rights reserved.

This is free software,
and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
See the LICENSE file.

Camera Configuration:
- name: cam
- setup: Monocular
- fps: 10
- cols: 1228
- rows: 1026
- color: RGB
- model: Perspective
  - fx: 1209.07
  - fy: 1210.66
  - cx: 610.324
  - cy: 516.917
  - k1: -0.198806
  - k2: 0.122544
  - p1: -0.000221
  - p2: -0.000877
  - k3: 0
  - min x: -43.8161
  - max x: 1275.46
  - min y: -39.0829
  - max y: 1064.75
ORB Configuration:
- number of keypoints: 3000
- scale factor: 1.2
- number of levels: 8
- initial fast threshold: 15
- minimum fast threshold: 3

[2020-11-02 20:02:33.046] [info] loading ORB vocabulary: /catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/profiles/alexa_reco/pose_estimation/method/orb_slam2/ORBvoc.bin
[ INFO] [1604332953.055705584]: Image #6, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0006.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332953.156048564]: Image #7, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0007.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332953.256328185]: Image #8, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0008.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332953.356562369]: Image #9, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0009.jpg
process[realm_densification-3]: started with pid [30813]
[ INFO] [1604332953.457035002]: Image #10, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0010.jpg
[2020-11-02 20:02:33.473] [info] startup SLAM system
[2020-11-02 20:02:33.473] [info] start mapping module
[2020-11-02 20:02:33.473] [info] start global optimization module
2020-11-02 20:02:33.473 (   0.462s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:90       0| Evaluating fallback strategy...
2020-11-02 20:02:33.473 (   0.462s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:100      0| Selected: NEVER - Image projection will not be used.
2020-11-02 20:02:33.474 (   0.463s) [Publisher [pose_] worker_thread_base.cpp:60       0| Thread 'Publisher [pose_estimation]' starting loop...
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]               loguru.h:2056     0| Logging to '/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/20-11-02_20-02-33/pose_estimation/stage.log', mode: 'a', verbosity: 9
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]         stage_base.cpp:56       0| Successfully initialized!
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]         stage_base.cpp:57       0| Stage path set to: /catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/20-11-02_20-02-33/pose_estimation
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:328      0| ### Stage process settings ###
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:329      0| - use_vslam: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:330      0| - use_fallback: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:331      0| - do_update_georef: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:332      0| - do_suppress_outdated_pose_pub: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:333      0| - th_error_georef: 1.00
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:334      0| - overlap_max: 100.00
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:335      0| - overlap_max_fallback: 95.00
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:337      0| ### Stage save settings ###
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:338      0| - save_trajectory_gnss: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:339      0| - save_trajectory_visual: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:340      0| - save_frames: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:341      0| - save_keyframes: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.481 (   0.470s) [        E86AA980]    pose_estimation.cpp:342      0| - save_keyframes_full: 0
[ INFO] [1604332953.481753514]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Started stage node successfully!
[ INFO] [1604332953.482365913]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2020-11-02 20:02:33.484 (   0.474s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:60       0| Thread 'Stage [pose_estimation]' starting loop...
[ INFO] [1604332953.557294982]: Image #11, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0011.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332953.558975578]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Frame reference set at: 52.400864, 10.227503
[ INFO] [1604332953.559291821]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2020-11-02 20:02:33.574 (   0.563s) [Publisher [pose_]               loguru.h:2056     0| Logging to '/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/20-11-02_20-02-33/pose_estimation/publisher.log', mode: 'a', verbosity: 9
2020-11-02 20:02:33.574 (   0.563s) [Publisher [pose_]    pose_estimation.cpp:522      0| Successfully initialized pose_estimation publisher!
2020-11-02 20:02:33.585 (   0.574s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:153      0| Processing frame #8 with timestamp 1604332953280991828!
2020-11-02 20:02:33.585 (   0.574s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:213      0| Tracking frame #8 in visual SLAM...!
[ INFO] [1604332953.629321297]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332953.648782549]: TEST: After Init
[ INFO] [1604332953.657560898]: Image #12, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0012.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332953.672537956]: STAGE_NODE [densification]: Loading stage settings from path:
[ INFO] [1604332953.674004289]: STAGE_NODE [densification]: Detected stage type: 'densification'
[ INFO] [1604332953.697614082]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332953.718300833]: STAGE_NODE [densification]: : Loading camera from path:
[ INFO] [1604332953.718508466]: STAGE_NODE [densification]: : Detected camera model: 'pinhole'
[ INFO] [1604332953.718536614]: STAGE_NODE [densification]: : Loading densifier settings from path:
[ INFO] [1604332953.718672667]: STAGE_NODE [densification]: : Detected densifier type: 'PSL'
        <Param>[subpx_interp_mode]: 1
        <Param>[enable_subpix]: 1
        <Param>[n_cams]: 9
        <Param>[enable_out_uniq_ratio]: 0
        <Param>[scale]: 1
        <Param>[enable_out_best_depth]: 0
        <Param>[type]: PSL
        <Param>[match_window_size_x]: 30
        <Param>[resizing]: 0.35
        <Param>[enable_out_best_cost]: 0
        <Param>[enable_out_cost_vol]: 0
        <Param>[match_window_size_y]: 30
        <Param>[enable_color_match]: 1
        <Param>[nrof_planes]: 32
        <Param>[occlusion_mode]: 1
        <Param>[plane_gen_mode]: 1
        <Param>[match_cost]: 0
[ INFO] [1604332953.723237866]: STAGE_NODE [densification]: Started stage node successfully!
2020-11-02 20:02:33.736 (   0.100s) [Stage [densifica] worker_thread_base.cpp:60       0| Thread 'Stage [densification]' starting loop...
[ INFO] [1604332953.757841095]: Image #13, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0013.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332953.762890051]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332953.820347948]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332953.858200780]: Image #14, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0014.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.258s) [        3C789980]               loguru.h:2056     0| Logging to '/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/20-11-02_20-02-33/densification/stage.log', mode: 'a', verbosity: 9
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]         stage_base.cpp:56       0| Successfully initialized!
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]         stage_base.cpp:57       0| Stage path set to: /catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/20-11-02_20-02-33/densification
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:375      0| ### Stage process settings ###
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:376      0| - use_filter_bilat: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:377      0| - use_filter_guided: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:378      0| - compute_normals: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:380      0| ### Stage save settings ###
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:381      0| - save_bilat: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:382      0| - save_dense: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:383      0| - save_guided: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:384      0| - save_imgs: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:385      0| - save_normals: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:386      0| - save_sparse: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]      densification.cpp:387      0| - save_thumb: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:188      0| ### PlaneSweep settings ###
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:189      0| - nframes: 9
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:190      0| - enable_subpix: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:191      0| - enable_color_match: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:192      0| - enable_out_best_depth: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:193      0| - enable_out_best_cost: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:194      0| - enable_out_cost_vol: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:195      0| - enable_out_uniq_ratio: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:196      0| - nrof_planes: 32
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:197      0| - scale: 1.00
2020-11-02 20:02:33.895 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:198      0| - match_window_size_width: 30
2020-11-02 20:02:33.896 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:199      0| - match_window_size_height: 30
2020-11-02 20:02:33.896 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:200      0| - occlusion_mode: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:33.896 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:201      0| - plane_gen_mode: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:33.896 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:202      0| - match_cost: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:33.896 (   0.259s) [        3C789980]        plane_sweep.cpp:203      0| - subpx_interp_mode: 1
[ INFO] [1604332953.896107744]: STAGE_NODE [densification]: Received output directory, set to:
2020-11-02 20:02:33.898 (   0.887s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:239   WARN| No tracking.
2020-11-02 20:02:33.901 (   0.890s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:158      0| Timing [Tracking]: 316 ms
2020-11-02 20:02:33.901 (   0.891s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:93       0| Timing [Total]: 316 ms
[ INFO] [1604332953.918351454]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332953.958546619]: Image #15, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0015.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:33.974 (   0.964s) [Publisher [pose_]    pose_estimation.cpp:575      0| Publishing pose of frame #8...
2020-11-02 20:02:34.002 (   0.991s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:153      0| Processing frame #10 with timestamp 1604332953481626168!
2020-11-02 20:02:34.002 (   0.991s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:213      0| Tracking frame #10 in visual SLAM...!
[ INFO] [1604332954.005758819]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
process[realm_surface_generation-4]: started with pid [30824]
[ INFO] [1604332954.059542299]: Image #16, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0016.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332954.121520805]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332954.161142601]: Image #17, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0017.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:34.198 (   1.187s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:239   WARN| No tracking.
2020-11-02 20:02:34.199 (   1.188s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:158      0| Timing [Tracking]: 197 ms
2020-11-02 20:02:34.199 (   1.188s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:93       0| Timing [Total]: 197 ms
[ INFO] [1604332954.226229999]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332954.261399936]: Image #18, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0018.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:34.276 (   1.265s) [Publisher [pose_]    pose_estimation.cpp:575      0| Publishing pose of frame #10...
[ INFO] [1604332954.290410701]: TEST: After Init
2020-11-02 20:02:34.299 (   1.288s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:153      0| Processing frame #13 with timestamp 1604332953781395473!
2020-11-02 20:02:34.299 (   1.288s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:213      0| Tracking frame #13 in visual SLAM...!
[ INFO] [1604332954.315307846]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332954.329170205]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: Loading stage settings from path:
[ INFO] [1604332954.330848031]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: Detected stage type: 'surface_generation'
[ INFO] [1604332954.363293315]: Image #19, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0019.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332954.379228249]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: : Loading camera from path:
[ INFO] [1604332954.379414320]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: : Detected camera model: 'pinhole'
[ INFO] [1604332954.381134374]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: Started stage node successfully!
2020-11-02 20:02:34.396 (   0.118s) [Stage [surface_g] worker_thread_base.cpp:60       0| Thread 'Stage [surface_generation]' starting loop...
[ INFO] [1604332954.434010842]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332954.463619860]: Image #20, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0020.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:34.511 (   0.233s) [        A1397980]               loguru.h:2056     0| Logging to '/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/20-11-02_20-02-33/surface_generation/stage.log', mode: 'a', verbosity: 9
2020-11-02 20:02:34.511 (   0.233s) [        A1397980]         stage_base.cpp:56       0| Successfully initialized!
2020-11-02 20:02:34.512 (   0.233s) [        A1397980]         stage_base.cpp:57       0| Stage path set to: /catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/20-11-02_20-02-33/surface_generation
2020-11-02 20:02:34.512 (   0.233s) [        A1397980] surface_generation.cpp:160      0| ### Stage process settings ###
2020-11-02 20:02:34.512 (   0.233s) [        A1397980] surface_generation.cpp:161      0| - try_use_elevation: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:34.512 (   0.233s) [        A1397980] surface_generation.cpp:162      0| - mode_surface_normals: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:34.512 (   0.233s) [        A1397980] surface_generation.cpp:164      0| ### Stage save settings ###
2020-11-02 20:02:34.512 (   0.233s) [        A1397980] surface_generation.cpp:165      0| - save_valid: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:34.512 (   0.233s) [        A1397980] surface_generation.cpp:166      0| - save_elevation: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:34.512 (   0.233s) [        A1397980] surface_generation.cpp:167      0| - save_normals: 0
[ INFO] [1604332954.512353711]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: Received output directory, set to:
[ INFO] [1604332954.525317916]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2020-11-02 20:02:34.527 (   1.516s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:239   WARN| No tracking.
2020-11-02 20:02:34.529 (   1.518s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:158      0| Timing [Tracking]: 230 ms
2020-11-02 20:02:34.529 (   1.518s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:93       0| Timing [Total]: 230 ms
[ INFO] [1604332954.563834611]: Image #21, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0021.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:34.602 (   1.591s) [Publisher [pose_]    pose_estimation.cpp:575      0| Publishing pose of frame #13...
[ INFO] [1604332954.617241299]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2020-11-02 20:02:34.629 (   1.618s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:153      0| Processing frame #16 with timestamp 1604332954085167023!
2020-11-02 20:02:34.629 (   1.618s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:213      0| Tracking frame #16 in visual SLAM...!
process[realm_ortho_rectification-5]: started with pid [30848]
[ INFO] [1604332954.669930996]: Image #22, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0022.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332954.723795517]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332954.770507763]: Image #23, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0023.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:34.807 (   1.797s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:239   WARN| No tracking.
2020-11-02 20:02:34.808 (   1.797s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:158      0| Timing [Tracking]: 179 ms
2020-11-02 20:02:34.808 (   1.797s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:93       0| Timing [Total]: 179 ms
[ INFO] [1604332954.824770977]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332954.870876692]: Image #24, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0024.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:34.902 (   1.891s) [Publisher [pose_]    pose_estimation.cpp:575      0| Publishing pose of frame #16...
2020-11-02 20:02:34.908 (   1.898s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:153      0| Processing frame #19 with timestamp 1604332954402064625!
2020-11-02 20:02:34.908 (   1.898s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:213      0| Tracking frame #19 in visual SLAM...!
[ INFO] [1604332954.938419437]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332954.938434996]: TEST: After Init
[ INFO] [1604332954.965740206]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: Loading stage settings from path:
[ INFO] [1604332954.967880628]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: Detected stage type: 'ortho_rectification'
[ INFO] [1604332954.971312259]: Image #25, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0025.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332955.010532505]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: : Loading camera from path:
[ INFO] [1604332955.010737975]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: : Detected camera model: 'pinhole'
Stage [ortho_rectification]: Created Stage with Settings: 
        <Param>[save_elevation]: 0
        <Param>[save_ortho_gtiff]: 0
        <Param>[save_elevation_angle]: 0
        <Param>[type]: ortho_rectification
        <Param>[save_ortho_rgb]: 0
        <Param>[publish_pointcloud]: 0
        <Param>[queue_size]: 5
        <Param>[GSD]: 0.1
        <Param>[save_valid]: 0
[ INFO] [1604332955.015226932]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: Started stage node successfully!
2020-11-02 20:02:35.024 (   0.095s) [Stage [ortho_rec] worker_thread_base.cpp:60       0| Thread 'Stage [ortho_rectification]' starting loop...
[ INFO] [1604332955.029610400]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332955.071649741]: Image #26, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0026.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:35.114 (   2.103s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:239   WARN| No tracking.
2020-11-02 20:02:35.115 (   2.104s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:158      0| Timing [Tracking]: 207 ms
2020-11-02 20:02:35.115 (   2.104s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:93       0| Timing [Total]: 207 ms
[ INFO] [1604332955.137872615]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332955.171944611]: Image #27, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0027.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]               loguru.h:2056     0| Logging to '/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/20-11-02_20-02-33/ortho_rectification/stage.log', mode: 'a', verbosity: 9
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]         stage_base.cpp:56       0| Successfully initialized!
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]         stage_base.cpp:57       0| Stage path set to: /catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/20-11-02_20-02-33/ortho_rectification
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]ortho_rectification.cpp:200      0| ### Stage process settings ###
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]ortho_rectification.cpp:201      0| - GSD: 0.10
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]ortho_rectification.cpp:202      0| - publish_pointcloud: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]ortho_rectification.cpp:204      0| ### Stage save settings ###
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]ortho_rectification.cpp:205      0| - save_valid: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]ortho_rectification.cpp:206      0| - save_ortho_rgb: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]ortho_rectification.cpp:207      0| - save_ortho_gtiff: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]ortho_rectification.cpp:208      0| - save_elevation: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.205 (   0.276s) [        2E207980]ortho_rectification.cpp:209      0| - save_elevation_angle: 0
[ INFO] [1604332955.205914018]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: Received output directory, set to:
2020-11-02 20:02:35.207 (   2.196s) [Publisher [pose_]    pose_estimation.cpp:575      0| Publishing pose of frame #19...
[ INFO] [1604332955.213049120]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2020-11-02 20:02:35.215 (   2.204s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:153      0| Processing frame #22 with timestamp 1604332954695441251!
2020-11-02 20:02:35.215 (   2.204s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:213      0| Tracking frame #22 in visual SLAM...!
[ INFO] [1604332955.272224615]: Image #28, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0028.jpg
process[realm_mosaicing-6]: started with pid [30859]
[ INFO] [1604332955.330028480]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332955.372640682]: Image #29, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0029.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:35.386 (   2.375s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:239   WARN| No tracking.
2020-11-02 20:02:35.386 (   2.375s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:158      0| Timing [Tracking]: 171 ms
2020-11-02 20:02:35.386 (   2.375s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:93       0| Timing [Total]: 171 ms
2020-11-02 20:02:35.407 (   2.396s) [Publisher [pose_]    pose_estimation.cpp:575      0| Publishing pose of frame #22...
[ INFO] [1604332955.475226143]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2020-11-02 20:02:35.486 (   2.475s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:153      0| Processing frame #24 with timestamp 1604332954897444605!
2020-11-02 20:02:35.487 (   2.476s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:213      0| Tracking frame #24 in visual SLAM...!
[ INFO] [1604332955.494291777]: Image #30, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0030.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332955.589424333]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332955.598620367]: TEST: After Init
[ INFO] [1604332955.599642245]: Image #31, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0031.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332955.623701427]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: Loading stage settings from path:
[ INFO] [1604332955.625047399]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: Detected stage type: 'mosaicing'
[ INFO] [1604332955.643954408]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: : Loading camera from path:
[ INFO] [1604332955.644135674]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: : Detected camera model: 'pinhole'
Stage [mosaicing]: Created Stage with Settings: 
        <Param>[save_num_obs_all]: 0
        <Param>[save_num_obs_one]: 1
        <Param>[save_elevation_mesh_one]: 0
        <Param>[save_elevation_obs_angle_all]: 0
        <Param>[save_elevation_obs_angle_one]: 1
        <Param>[save_elevation_var_all]: 0
        <Param>[save_elevation_var_one]: 0
        <Param>[th_elevation_variance]: 1
        <Param>[th_elevation_min_nobs]: 2
        <Param>[save_elevation_all]: 0
        <Param>[save_dense_ply]: 1
        <Param>[queue_size]: 5
        <Param>[publish_mesh_every_nth_kf]: 0
        <Param>[save_ortho_rgb_one]: 1
        <Param>[type]: mosaicing
        <Param>[publish_mesh_at_finish]: 1
        <Param>[save_ortho_gtiff_one]: 1
        <Param>[split_gtiff_channels]: 0
        <Param>[save_elevation_one]: 1
        <Param>[save_ortho_gtiff_all]: 0
        <Param>[downsample_publish_mesh]: 0.5
        <Param>[save_valid]: 0
        <Param>[save_ortho_rgb_all]: 0
[ INFO] [1604332955.652534489]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: Started stage node successfully!
2020-11-02 20:02:35.660 (   0.073s) [Stage [mosaicing] worker_thread_base.cpp:60       0| Thread 'Stage [mosaicing]' starting loop...
2020-11-02 20:02:35.665 (   2.654s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:239   WARN| No tracking.
2020-11-02 20:02:35.666 (   2.655s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:158      0| Timing [Tracking]: 180 ms
2020-11-02 20:02:35.666 (   2.655s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:93       0| Timing [Total]: 180 ms
[ INFO] [1604332955.687784115]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332955.706954247]: Image #32, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0032.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:35.708 (   2.697s) [Publisher [pose_]    pose_estimation.cpp:575      0| Publishing pose of frame #24...
2020-11-02 20:02:35.766 (   2.755s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:153      0| Processing frame #27 with timestamp 1604332955191858117!
2020-11-02 20:02:35.766 (   2.755s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:213      0| Tracking frame #27 in visual SLAM...!
[ INFO] [1604332955.776372249]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332955.807881720]: Image #33, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0033.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:35.843 (   0.255s) [        749DA980]               loguru.h:2056     0| Logging to '/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/20-11-02_20-02-33/mosaicing/stage.log', mode: 'a', verbosity: 9
2020-11-02 20:02:35.843 (   0.255s) [        749DA980]         stage_base.cpp:56       0| Successfully initialized!
2020-11-02 20:02:35.843 (   0.255s) [        749DA980]         stage_base.cpp:57       0| Stage path set to: /catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/20-11-02_20-02-33/mosaicing
2020-11-02 20:02:35.843 (   0.255s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:460      0| ### Stage process settings ###
2020-11-02 20:02:35.843 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:461      0| - publish_mesh_nth_iter: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.843 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:462      0| - publish_mesh_every_nth_kf: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.843 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:463      0| - do_publish_mesh_at_finish: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:35.843 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:464      0| - downsample_publish_mesh: 0.50
2020-11-02 20:02:35.843 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:465      0| - use_surface_normals: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:35.843 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:466      0| - th_elevation_min_nobs: 2
2020-11-02 20:02:35.843 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:467      0| - th_elevation_var: 1.00
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:469      0| ### Stage save settings ###
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:470      0| - save_valid: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:471      0| - save_ortho_rgb_one: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:472      0| - save_ortho_rgb_all: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:473      0| - save_ortho_gtiff_one: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:474      0| - save_ortho_gtiff_all: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:475      0| - save_elevation_one: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:476      0| - save_elevation_all: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:477      0| - save_elevation_var_one: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:478      0| - save_elevation_var_all: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:479      0| - save_elevation_obs_angle_one: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:480      0| - save_elevation_obs_angle_all: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:481      0| - save_elevation_mesh_one: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:482      0| - save_num_obs_one: 1
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:483      0| - save_num_obs_all: 0
2020-11-02 20:02:35.844 (   0.256s) [        749DA980]          mosaicing.cpp:484      0| - save_dense_ply: 1
[ INFO] [1604332955.844529172]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: Received output directory, set to:
[ INFO] [1604332955.865398974]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332955.908201414]: Image #34, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0034.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:35.941 (   2.931s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:239   WARN| No tracking.
2020-11-02 20:02:35.942 (   2.931s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:158      0| Timing [Tracking]: 176 ms
2020-11-02 20:02:35.942 (   2.931s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:93       0| Timing [Total]: 176 ms
process[rviz-7]: started with pid [30871]
[ INFO] [1604332955.975612854]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332956.008441670]: Image #35, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0035.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:36.008 (   2.998s) [Publisher [pose_]    pose_estimation.cpp:575      0| Publishing pose of frame #27...
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
2020-11-02 20:02:36.042 (   3.032s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:153      0| Processing frame #30 with timestamp 1604332955534505635!
2020-11-02 20:02:36.043 (   3.032s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:213      0| Tracking frame #30 in visual SLAM...!
[ INFO] [1604332956.072374509]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332956.108828975]: Image #36, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0036.jpg
libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
libGL error: Version 4 or later of flush extension not found
libGL error: failed to load driver: i915
libGL error: failed to open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
[ INFO] [1604332956.171536904]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332956.209246269]: Image #37, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0037.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:36.222 (   3.211s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:239   WARN| No tracking.
2020-11-02 20:02:36.223 (   3.212s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:158      0| Timing [Tracking]: 180 ms
2020-11-02 20:02:36.223 (   3.212s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:93       0| Timing [Total]: 181 ms
libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
libGL error: Version 4 or later of flush extension not found
libGL error: failed to load driver: i915
libGL error: failed to open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
[ INFO] [1604332956.271744339]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332956.309495846]: Image #38, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0038.jpg
2020-11-02 20:02:36.310 (   3.299s) [Publisher [pose_]    pose_estimation.cpp:575      0| Publishing pose of frame #30...
2020-11-02 20:02:36.323 (   3.312s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:153      0| Processing frame #32 with timestamp 1604332955747304858!
2020-11-02 20:02:36.323 (   3.312s) [Stage [pose_esti]    pose_estimation.cpp:213      0| Tracking frame #32 in visual SLAM...!
[ INFO] [1604332956.352734130]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332956.409724941]: Image #39, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0039.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332956.448364350]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1604332956.509961351]: Image #40, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0040.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332956.610999682]: Image #41, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0041.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332956.711300873]: Image #42, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0042.jpg
[realm_pose_estimation-2] process has died [pid 30804, exit code -11, cmd /catkin_ws/devel/lib/realm_ros/realm_stage_node __name:=realm_pose_estimation __log:=/root/.ros/log/2061d85e-1d24-11eb-abf4-0242ac110002/realm_pose_estimation-2.log].
log file: /root/.ros/log/2061d85e-1d24-11eb-abf4-0242ac110002/realm_pose_estimation-2*.log
[ INFO] [1604332956.811616089]: Image #43, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0043.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332956.912060717]: Image #44, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0044.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332957.012378998]: Image #45, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0045.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332957.113060184]: Image #46, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0046.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332957.214137110]: Image #47, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0047.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332957.314396107]: Image #48, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0048.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332957.414682139]: Image #49, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0049.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332957.515098994]: Image #50, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0050.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332957.615410755]: Image #51, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0051.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332957.715656059]: Image #52, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0052.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332957.816473047]: Image #53, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0053.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332957.927496511]: Image #54, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0054.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332958.028921641]: Image #55, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0055.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332958.145595853]: Image #56, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0056.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332958.245893014]: Image #57, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0057.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332958.346382156]: Image #58, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0058.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332958.446780618]: Image #59, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0059.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332958.547069702]: Image #60, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0060.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332958.647426240]: Image #61, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0061.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332958.747671686]: Image #62, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0062.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332958.847951757]: Image #63, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0063.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332958.948254134]: Image #64, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0064.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332959.048926095]: Image #65, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0065.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332959.163182226]: Image #66, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0066.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332959.263490341]: Image #67, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0067.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332959.364191239]: Image #68, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0068.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332959.512487509]: Image #69, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0069.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332959.613142763]: Image #70, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0070.jpg
[ INFO] [1604332959.713348493]: Image #71, image Path: /root/.ros/edm_big_overlap_50p/img_0071.jpg
^C[rviz-7] killing on exit
[realm_ortho_rectification-5] killing on exit
[realm_mosaicing-6] killing on exit
[realm_surface_generation-4] killing on exit
[realm_densification-3] killing on exit
[realm_exiv2_grabber-1] killing on exit
2020-11-02 20:02:39.826 (   6.190s) [        3C789980] worker_thread_base.cpp:126      0| Thread 'Stage [densification]' received finish request...
2020-11-02 20:02:39.832 (   4.244s) [        749DA980] worker_thread_base.cpp:126      0| Thread 'Stage [mosaicing]' received finish request...
2020-11-02 20:02:39.869 (   6.232s) [Stage [densifica] worker_thread_base.cpp:98       0| Thread 'Stage [densification]' finished!
2020-11-02 20:02:39.961 (   5.682s) [        A1397980] worker_thread_base.cpp:126      0| Thread 'Stage [surface_generation]' received finish request...
2020-11-02 20:02:40.001 (   5.722s) [Stage [surface_g] worker_thread_base.cpp:98       0| Thread 'Stage [surface_generation]' finished!
2020-11-02 20:02:40.025 (   5.096s) [        2E207980] worker_thread_base.cpp:126      0| Thread 'Stage [ortho_rectification]' received finish request...
2020-11-02 20:02:40.038 (   5.109s) [Stage [ortho_rec] worker_thread_base.cpp:98       0| Thread 'Stage [ortho_rectification]' finished!
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
laxnpander commented 4 years ago

@donkikos Hmmm, this does not look like any problem that I am aware of. First things first: 1) Do you have an idea, what may cause the libGL error? OpenREALM should not have anything to do with iris. I guess it does not cause the problem, but let's make sure this is unrelated. 2) What system are you running this on? The initialization seems to take quite a long time. I'd assume your hardware is very limited or is this caused by docker? 3) I need more information on what's actually causing the problem. You can try to block comment all stages except for the pose estimation in the launch file and then use GDB to find the function that throws the exit:

Best regards, Alex

donkikos commented 4 years ago


  1. I don't know what causes the libGL error. Will try to figure out.

  2. CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, GPU is GeForce GTX 1060. Looking at the timings it takes about 2 secs. Is that long?

  3. Will try to debug.

laxnpander commented 4 years ago

@donkikos Hardware looks good, a bit weaker than my laptop, but definitely not too weak. You may need to tune down the overall resolution on some stages, but this shouldn't cause the crash. Waiting for the GDB output, this should help hopefully. If you need further advice, let me know

donkikos commented 4 years ago

Hi @laxnpander , I tried to install outside of docker and I am getting the same error. The hardware is Intel i7 + Nvidia GTX 1070. Here is the gdb log. Something is happening in Eigen.

Also, I noticed that in OpenREALM is installing Eigen with apt and then installs 3.3.7 from source. I tried to use the apt version (3.3.4 for Ubuntu 18.04) and still getting a crash.

laxnpander commented 4 years ago

@donkikos: Ah, I think I know what causes this. It’s not a problem of OpenREALM, but OpenVSLAM. Try to uninstall g2o, dbow2 and openvslam and reinstall with


It‘s set to ON currently.

Note: This flag is relevant for the g2o install and the openvslam install so change both of them to „OFF“

donkikos commented 4 years ago

@laxnpander , thanks, will try. One question though - DBoW2 does not have that parameter in the scripts and in CMakeLists.txt. Is it necessary for it? Do I need to reinstall it?

laxnpander commented 4 years ago

@donkikos It does not need the flag, you are correct. I guess you won’t need to reinstall it, yet I would do so just to make sure.

laxnpander commented 4 years ago

@donkikos How did it go? Any more I can help you with?

Closing this. Reopen if there are still problems.