layeh / barnard

barnard is a terminal-based client for the Mumble voice chat software
GNU General Public License v2.0
150 stars 46 forks source link

new issue updating/installing #26

Closed derekbarnett closed 7 years ago

derekbarnett commented 7 years ago

I don't know whether this is related, but I just upgraded to Debian stitch. An issue was introduced that I'm trying to sort out, and I attempted to upgrade barnard via the command in the readme. I don't think barnard is the problem in that chain, I was updating it in an attempt to narrow down the problem.

As near as I can tell, my install from April 12th is working as it was before the system update to stitch. I have tried updating the existing install, as well as a fresh install into a new directory (and yes, I did point the go path at the new install directory). The new install attempt just gets me the src and pkg directories and no bin directory.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Try the following update command:

go get -u
derekbarnett commented 7 years ago

That did the trick.