layeh / gumble

gumble is a Mumble client implementation in Go (golang)
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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certificate signed by unknown authority #60

Open devdandi opened 2 years ago

devdandi commented 2 years ago

How to solve this ? i am newbie in Golang

Stieneee commented 2 years ago

Most likely the certificate on your mumble server is self signed.

You have a couple of options

  1. get a signed cert and load into you mumble server - checkout letsencrypt - secure
  2. copy the self signed root ca certificate to the client machine. - secure
  3. Allow the gumble connection to accept the insecure certificate - easy, not secure.

If you just want to get you application working and worry about the other stuff later most people will turn to 3. You want to pass the gumble dialer a tls.Config object with InsecureSkipVerify set to true. Would look a little something like this.

var tlsConfig tls.Config

tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true

MumbleClient, err = gumble.DialWithDialer(new(net.Dialer), MumbleAddr, MumbleConfig, &tlsConfig)