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在Nginx配置文件中配置fastcgi_param 不生效 #17

Open huxxhua opened 3 years ago

huxxhua commented 3 years ago

php版本 PHP 7.3.1 (cli) (built: Feb 1 2019 12:26:46) ( NTS )

tideways版本 tideways => 4.1.7 Connection (tideways.connection) => unix:///var/run/tideways/tidewaysd.sock UDP Connection (tideways.udp_connection) => Default API Key (tideways.api_key) => Default Sample-Rate (tideways.sample_rate) => 20 Framework Detection (tideways.framework) => Service Name (tideways.service) => Automatically Start (tideways.auto_start) => Yes Tideways Collect Mode (tideways.collect) => tracing Tideways Monitoring Mode (tideways.monitor) => basic CLI Monitoring enabled (tideways.monitor_cli) => 0 Timeout for talk to Daemon (tideways.timeout) => 10000 Allowed Distributed Tracing Hosts (tideways.distributed_tracing_hosts) => Load PHP Library (tideways.auto_prepend_library) => Yes Tideways.php found => No

nginx配置 image


在php.ini配置是可以的,但是全局起作用,希望在nginx对应项目配置,但是没数据产生, 希望大佬指点一下。