laytan / odin-http

A HTTP/1.1 client/server implementation for Odin.
MIT License
125 stars 13 forks source link

The example is not compiled #63

Closed Sunling472 closed 1 week ago

Sunling472 commented 1 week ago

system: linux/fedora odin: dev-2024-09:16c5c69a4


package main

import "core:fmt"
import "core:log"
import "core:net"
import "core:time"

import http "libs/odin-http" // Change to path of package.

main :: proc() {
    context.logger = log.create_console_logger(.Info)

    s: http.Server
    // Register a graceful shutdown when the program receives a SIGINT signal.

    // Set up routing
    router: http.Router
    defer http.router_destroy(&router)

    // Routes are tried in order.
    // Route matching is implemented using an implementation of Lua patterns, see the docs on them here:
    // They are very similar to regex patterns but a bit more limited, which makes them much easier to implement since Odin does not have a regex implementation.

    // Matches /users followed by any word (alphanumeric) followed by /comments and then / with any number.
    // The word is available as req.url_params[0], and the number as req.url_params[1].
    http.route_get(&router, "/users/(%w+)/comments/(%d+)", http.handler(proc(req: ^http.Request, res: ^http.Response) {
        http.respond_plain(res, fmt.tprintf("user %s, comment: %s", req.url_params[0], req.url_params[1]))
    http.route_get(&router, "/cookies", http.handler(cookies))
    http.route_get(&router, "/api", http.handler(api))
    http.route_get(&router, "/ping", http.handler(ping))
    http.route_get(&router, "/index", http.handler(index))

    // Matches every get request that did not match another route.
    http.route_get(&router, "(.*)", http.handler(static))

    http.route_post(&router, "/ping", http.handler(post_ping))

    routed := http.router_handler(&router)"Listening on http://localhost:6969")

    err := http.listen_and_serve(&s, routed, net.Endpoint{address = net.IP4_Loopback, port = 6969})
    fmt.assertf(err == nil, "server stopped with error: %v", err)

cookies :: proc(req: ^http.Request, res: ^http.Response) {
            name         = "Session",
            value        = "123",
            expires_gmt  =,
            max_age_secs = 10,
            http_only    = true,
            same_site    = .Lax,
    http.respond_plain(res, "Yo!")

api :: proc(req: ^http.Request, res: ^http.Response) {
    if err := http.respond_json(res, req.line); err != nil {
        log.errorf("could not respond with JSON: %s", err)

ping :: proc(req: ^http.Request, res: ^http.Response) {
    http.respond_plain(res, "pong")

index :: proc(req: ^http.Request, res: ^http.Response) {
    http.respond_file(res, "examples/complete/static/index.html")

static :: proc(req: ^http.Request, res: ^http.Response) {
    http.respond_dir(res, "/", "examples/complete/static", req.url_params[0])

post_ping :: proc(req: ^http.Request, res: ^http.Response) {
    http.body(req, len("ping"), res, proc(res: rawptr, body: http.Body, err: http.Body_Error) {
        res := cast(^http.Response)res

        if err != nil {
            http.respond(res, http.body_error_status(err))

        if body != "ping" {
            http.respond(res, http.Status.Unprocessable_Content)

        http.respond_plain(res, "pong")


odin-app odin build .
/home/sunling/odin-app/libs/odin-http/allocator.odin(1:2) Syntax Error: Expected a package declaration at the beginning of the file 
        Suggestion: Add 'package http' to the top of the file 
/home/sunling/odin-app/libs/odin-http/nbio/nbio_internal_linux.odin(1:2) Syntax Error: Expected a package declaration at the beginning of the file 
        Suggestion: Add 'package nbio' to the top of the file 
/home/sunling/odin-app/libs/odin-http/nbio/nbio_unix.odin(1:2) Syntax Error: Expected a package declaration at the beginning of the file 
        #+build darwin, linux 

/home/sunling/odin-app/libs/odin-http/nbio/pool.odin(1:2) Syntax Error: Expected a package declaration at the beginning of the file 

/home/sunling/odin-app/libs/odin-http/scanner.odin(1:2) Syntax Error: Expected a package declaration at the beginning of the file 
        Suggestion: Add 'package http' to the top of the file 
laytan commented 1 week ago

Update Odin to the nightly version or wait for the next Odin release (probably tomorrow).