laytya / LazyScript

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Execute Doesnt work #5

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hello i downloaded lazyscript from here and the fallowing line of my code execute-ifTarget<20%hp is not working, checks alright but in action doesnt perform. I hope u can tellme whats wrong. also i created this one hamstring-ifBuffDuration<2s=hamstring and he doesnt check if the buff is lower than 2sec just casts at any duration. I was testing on retrowow. Ty

HugeMcBigger commented 5 months ago

You shouldn’t need the if criteria for execute. Lazyscript should skip it if it isn’t castable anyway

As for hamstring, you’re checking for a hamstring buff on yourself. That doesn’t work lol.

try this hamstring-ifNotTargetHasDebuff=hamstring hamstring-ifLastUsed>10s=hamstring