layumi / 2016_super_resolution

ICCV2015 Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks
MIT License
86 stars 43 forks source link

How are you? I am still running your program. I got a problem. #14

Open star4s opened 7 years ago

star4s commented 7 years ago

How are you? I am still running your program. I got a problem. Every time I should run "gpu_compile.m" before I start "testSRnet_result.m". When I start Matlab, I need to run "gpu_compile.m". However, it is very uncomfortable. How can I remember the setup after running "vl_compilenn.m". Because time is very wasteful for me every time running "gpu_compile.m". I am so sorry every time, I am bother you. I am appreciate very much for your attention.

layumi commented 7 years ago

In fact, you can comment 'vl_compilenn' by '%'.

Every time you start matlab, you only need to add the path so that Matlab can find the file.

layumi commented 7 years ago

addpath matlab; addpath examples; run matlab/vl_setupnn ; %{ vl_compilenn('enableGpu', true, ... 'cudaRoot', '/usr/local/cuda', ... %change it 'cudaMethod', 'nvcc',... 'enableCudnn',false,... 'cudnnroot','local'); %} warning('off');